Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Oldmaid
awww..have fun reading those jungle of posts jjinxx... :p

gn Rahut..sweet dreams to ya! (i guess im one of the guest) :huh:


sarNie Adult
:yahoo: AMI I'm back! For a short while...Are you still here...I havent signed on to msn yet...I'm running to the store in a little bit...going to pick up some junk food and I think I'm going to have a scarry movie marathon with my bros! :yahoo:


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
lol, i'm just going to write random stuff about JLR that comes to mind!

When I started watching, I was rather surprised by how mean Aum had to be, like he pushed Aff a LOT and really hard too! Maybe I did watch lakorn like that and just don't remember but this is like the first I remember watching Thai drama with the guy abusing the girl so much! lol, i know it's because of his revenge but dang! he was really pissed huh, LOL! BUT I still loved watching his abuse...probably because we already knew that he would love her later and be sorry for what he did to her! :p It was pretty fun and funny watching her fight back and all! :clap:
And it's because of this lakorn which gets me more interested than i've been even before with Thai culture! I only just realized how many "R" scenes are in Thai dramas after watching this! lol, what's wrong with me? BUt it all makes sense how they want to maintain that ideal of the girl being pure so they can't be willing to do that stuff unless it was after marriage. haha, I don't know, all i've found out is really interesting!

lol, some other stuff that surprised me (pleasantly)
When he said for her to call her whatever "Sweetheart...BABY(!)...Husband..." lol
The strip game (was unexpected!) He just suddenly added that she had to give up clothes for a wrong answer and then he went for the PANTS! LOL! So sadistic! Gawd, love that though! :yahoo:

here's something REALLY MESSY! lol, i'm not good like all the talented people, and I suck with PS so this is really simple! XD


sarNie Oldmaid
jjinxx: notice that youre gonna crave for more of the r' scenes the slap~n~kiss & revengeful lakorns now...

even starting to observe every details of this lakorn (these are one of the signs of the JLR fever) :p


sarNie Adult
Am I the only one here now? ami's been popping in and out. Hi ami!! :lmao:

Welcome jjinxx! :) We're all still all JLR crazed right now. Join in the fun.

SORRY guys I can't stay to chat with you girls tonite. Friend is going through a breakup with her boyfriend and she need me tonite. :( She going to make me cry all nite with her.
van~ sorry to hear about your friend's break-up. I know you'll do your best to help her out. Don't be too sad-- we need you around. XXOOXXs!
van~ the below's supposed to be invisible to you. ;) *I threw GP's invisiblity cloak over it (she had one, didn't she?)* :)

OK ladies..I'm going to go grabb something to eat..Be back later..If not you guys have fun! :kiss: Starry still trying to find a lasso for you! Might have to draw one on ps for you lol.
Thanks ice cream girl for helping. But, even the internet doesn't seem to want to help me capture and tie van down. *LOL.*
*Shhhhhh, let's be quiet so she can't hear.* Here's my attempt at trying to lasso van in so we can tie her to the tree, the train.. whatever "T" at the moment. :lol: . Does it look like it's moving? This is like really back to photoshop basics for me.



sarNie Oldmaid
LMAO Starry...im so glad youre posting that i had to say something before you leave again...i didnt even get to read your post yet :p

im in/out cause it seems like i was the only one here...babysitting the thread lol

LOL yup its moving alright...

Edit: Hiya Starry...youre not leaving anytime soon are you?


sarNie Adult
ami, are you on invisible mode again? I can't see your name below.

I didn't think anyone else was on anymore, so I was going to go to sleep, but I might hang around a little bit more if you're still on. Was it last weekend that I stayed up til 5:30 am on the thread (with ceci as company???) Hmm... I really needed some sleep then. :)


sarNie Oldmaid
man, i just went back and reread jjinxx post...the artwork is pretty good...alot better than me cause i was messing with photoshop earlier and still cant figure that darn thing <_<

hahahA~ i was even trying to put Harits pic next to mine<---see what length we can go for this? :ph34r:


sarNie Adult
:yahoo: starry it looks really good! Now we just have to find bait! LOL maybe we can get her with OMG I just forgot what his name is! oooohhkk I remeber now...We can get her with Bai..Well pretend that Harit is asking for her..lol..but really its Bai! :loool: :loool: :loool: Ok I'm off to the store now..I know it's pretty late...Hope to see you gals on later! :kiss:
AMI LOL I'm not very good with ps either....lol havent we all tried to ps our pics next to Umms! hahaha :clap:


sarNie Oldmaid
dang Moh what time is it and youre still going to the store to buy snacks? hurry back...

i wanna see you guys use it to hook Van & Bai edit: after that where are you gonna tie em to?...lmao!

Starry, youre still working on the lakorn?


sarNie Adult
Ami, i'm off to sleep now. You should sleep soon too (?). It's almost 3 am my time.
Yep, I finished converting all my JLR files to move to my mp3 player. I went to Mcdonalds to rent movies from redbox much earlier and there was such a long line. Anyways, after like 10 min of being in line, I was watching JLR on my player and my brother rolls him eyes at me cause he knew I was watching it on my comp before I left. :)

ice cream girl, van's gonna be so mad when she finds out it's Bai. Not sure how I feel about decieving her-- still want to be her friend after all the tree tying is done and somebody helps her escape. :lol:
Hmmmm... my plan was gonna be to set a replica of Aum's stunner shades out in the open to entice her, she'll walk over and put them on, look around (cause you know van will look good in them B) ) and then *Bam* I'll throw out my rope and try to catch her while she's distracted.
Maybe then Raiya can finally get to hold Harit's hand???? Hee... hee.

Good night to both of you. Ami~ keep up with babysitting the thread and don't get too lonely. Sounds like ice cream girl should be back to keep you company shortly.


sarNie Adult
LOL Starry what an awesome plan! Glad Moh is here to help you out. I was trying to figure out PS but i still am only half way on that poster but...if you guys need bait...i'm almost done with my slideshow of Aum...maybe that would distract her long enough for you guys to rope her in?! Maybe then i could finally hold his hand! Only the left one of course...I'm nice, i'll share the rest of him with you gals! :wub:

nite all...miss you guys lots! hopefully will catch you ladies tomorrow!


sarNie Adult
Night Raiya. I don't remember being on when you're on anymore. Must be all this hiding and running. I'm not even sure whose hiding & running from who anymore. :p


sarNie Oldmaid
lol gn and sweet dream girls i will catch you all tomorrow...i meant later on today.

yea lately everyone's been hiding from one another...and Raiya talking bout being on odd hrs of the day lol

i didnt even see your name...must be hiding again huh?

talking bout the ps thing imma go mess around with it later again...i got frustrated with it again,
nothing new here <_<


sarNie Oldmaid
wish i can Moh. im :eek: ...oh wait you might use this one against me too. :lol:

everyone is asleep...and its like 225 in the morning! i will watch it later on since i didnt get to see in theater the other week. i cant even find my thai version one...i see it all the time when im not looking for it, but when i need it i cant find it. <_<