Jao Ying Lum Sing (Polyplus)


sarNie Oldmaid
it's airing Dec.3, yeah he's handsome,can be pra'ek but have to wait and see how his acting is like first,but they pick the right guy to play as a prince because he's handsome.. hahah.. i'm so excited to see this la korn too,looks really good, get to see Pinky in many looks: singing,dancing,fighting,as a boy,and most important ,finally! get to see her as a princess, can't wait to see her :D
another picture of princess Pinky,from ch7 website,she look pretty!


sarNie Adult
gawd she's gorgeous! i'm super duper
excited also to see pinky play all those
cool characters. She can definitely pull
off that short hair of hers.. sooo cute!!!!
the prince is no doubt handsome... can't
wait to see how he acts though. Dec 3
nees to hurry up and come! LOL


sarNie Adult
OMG, I just watched the new teaser and
I see a kiss near the lips!!!! AAAHHHH!!!
I can't wait til this airs. looks soo goood!!!!


sarNie Oldmaid
saw teaser 2, looks really sad the scene Pinky cries, it's dumb he hit her with a stick like she's a kid,he's stupid to believe the nang rai. why she has to go kiss him like that -_- but can't wait to see Pinky in here ;)


sarNie Oldmaid
posters, credits to Pinky's fan in pantip,can't wait to see it,want Dec.3 to come soon :lol:



sarNie Oldmaid
yeah New does look like a girl,too light skined,guys with very light skin look girly,not attractive to me,yeah like an early christmas gift for me that this la korn air in December. like the time SBS air in August was like a birthday gift for me too. :p