tinah said:mo and kade lakorn did poorly too didnt it..yeh every production has its ups and down..noon won many award for mae ey..just for that one lakorn but doesnt mean she'll keep on winning award..and plus pjj and ah too's lakorn has was known..but mae ey just made it bigger..
Honestly if I remember correctly it was Mae Ai Sa Eurn that got people referencing to Pau Jin Jong...in lots of forums...and I visit lots of forum ja...I might not posts in all but I do visit....during the airing of Sosaneha and Kep Pan Din if I remember correctly no one mentioned the production or who was behind the lakorn in forums or took notice....and not only that but Ch7 didn't stress the fact either....after Mae Ai Sa Eurn did you start to see "Label with Tu Nopporn" as a headline... IE Pleung Payu.....
Anyways yes it's pretty obvious Noon is the favorite of Ah-Tu...so she gets first dip on the best script from them....and she's a wonderful actress as well...
And also I hope they let Aom play again with Chakrit or Oil...