yes not all of kim fans need to be happy with what she have but also if i disliked some of her decision or i was disappointed i won't talk about it i general believe we get the energy that we concentrate on if we concentrate on negative things we will get negative energy and it will affect our way of thinking that's why i avoid things that i dislike to talk about like this conversation i think is going in a negative way cause there is no point of keep complaining and worry about something not happening or we want it to happen but it doesn't so i prefer to stop give my opinion on this but if you ladis want to continue this conversation feel freeI mean we can't all be happy about Kim's decision but if you can then that's great. All i want is for Kim to come back on screen or have something for me to look forward too.
We can only wonder but hoping for the best of Kim.@MomRamy
Kim FC in Thailand feel the same way. They too were wondering how come Kim hasn't linked to any lakorns.
I saw these topics at Thai Forum not long after Buang Hong had ended.