With MP, it's a miss or a hit for me. I just don't think he's a charismatic actor at all. I'm still waiting for that one lakorn where he can blow me away and sadly he hasn't done so. He's very limited and this might sound really mean but he definitely is riding on his visual more than anything. If he wasn't good looking I don't think he'll be able to make it this far in showbiz. And the sad thing is I don't think he's that good looking though

James is more attractive imo, despite his cute small eyes, which I find attractive too lol Of course everyone is entitled to his/her own personal opinion.
LOL Part of me think Anne picks her actors based on the comfort level, as in if the actors are easy to work with. And I think Anne has a fangirl thing for Mark in the past. She mentioned something about wanting to pair up with him in a project and she sort of made that happen with Abbruk Online lol. But yeah, I guess Anne does see something in him that we as viewers have yet to see. But I don't remember Anne ever compliment Mark for his acting though, she just gushed about his good looks

Kimmy on the other hand, she has mentioned many times how talented of an actress she is. Or maybe she has but I just never read or heard about it????
And btw, does anyone know when Anne and her man are going to get married??? I remember it was announce awhile ago that they are going/preparing for marriage but I haven't heard anything about it afterward.
Off-topic but I think that doesn't really matter anymore here in this thread

@AnnTfan all those posts of Nadech and Taew on your IG is really tempting. The fact that you think Nadech and Taew have more chemistry than NK is like.....REALLY???? LOL Now I think I might have to check it out, but then do I even have time to watch it. I haven't even finish BH yet....*sigh*
And I'm a little surprise not to hear anything about Kimmy's next project. I wonder if she's going to take a break from lakorn to focus in school. She was supposed to graduate last year, but we all know the sadden things that happened to Thailand and Kimmy herself. I'm assuming she's going to try to graduate this year.