sarNie Hatchling
Hmm. I believe so. YES I do. Why do you ask? Do you know someone with the same lastname as me?Hello. Do you have relatives that lives in the ATL area?
Hmm. I believe so. YES I do. Why do you ask? Do you know someone with the same lastname as me?Hello. Do you have relatives that lives in the ATL area?
Yep yep.Hmm. I believe so. YES I do. Why do you ask? Do you know someone with the same lastname as me?
Want to tell me who that person is?Yep yep.
Last name : Phetphommasouk
All my classmates makin funny of my last name cuz it pretty long and also, they can't said it. LOL
omg if ur a Thammavong, then are u related to my nong'Vanida?? :blush:My last name is Thammavong
Mom's Ornpaeng
Uncle Sonexarth
Aunt Southavilay
:loool: Chat-on-the-phone?? haha i like ur last name, can i change it to urs?dads side = chanthaphone <-- known to ppl as chat-on-the-phone or chat-on-the-telephone
mums side = somvilayack
no way...r u 4 real?! what ur father/mother name?No way, my last name is Phetphommasouk too... O_O