about flower and king exactly king is king flower is flower. If I had to choose to bow down to it be the king not the flower. King give me land to live on and a country flower give me nothing beside just a simbol. If Laos had a king and he was kind and good like the Thai king I bow down to him to to show respect. if you want me to bow down to a flower and respect it get me drunk and maybe I will. King flower cant be compare. The laos war back then why did people fought for the country and monarchy they didnt fight for the survival of dok champa. dok champa (lao) or dok luntome (thai) is the same thing. Thai grow them in the temple or grave yard. I dont know how this grave yard flower can be a simbol of a country. Unless its representing a dead country. Or dok champa laos is grown somewhere eles not grave yard I could be mistaking but in Thailand its grown in grave yard or temple. somewhere where there no people.yes, i believe the thai government isn't trying to stir something up, they have enough headache with their own political instability. neighboring countries like laos shouldn't be revamped as a rebounding enemy from a simple lakorn. it just doesn't make sense. it'd be like the whole reasoning behind why the crips and bloods are rivals. once u find out why, you simply look at it and laugh because it's pure stupidity.
but saying that all close minded people aren't educated is a little biased. or mean if u want to take it. i believe some people in laos leading laos in the path it is now is educated, but like u said, closed minded and won't listen to, or, respect anyone elses' opinions. kind of a distructive way of leading but there isn't much that can be done...because once someone tries, they're knocked down like a piece of dominoe because of the domination of people's minds, certain people are brought up to sincerely believe it should be this way, so remove all rebals, and no one can change it. if any, it will take more than simple words.
no, this is no longer in the hands of the producers in thailand, because it's dealing with a conflict between two countries in which can occur and cause destruction to their country. again, like i've typed so many times, the reason why thailand is paying attention to this "urging" from the laos government is because they are not trying to create conflict amongst their neighboring country, they are trying to build a better relationship. i don't know about friendship, but it's a relationship in which will benefit them both. financially and economically.
i didn't find frustration about the respect they have for the flower, but your quote of "dok champa is very much respected among Lao People as to the respect to the King," and it's not much frustration, and it's why this flower is being a basis to many of the discussions we're having. it's just not politically correct for you to compare the respect to a flower to a king. your information of respect for the flower that represents laos may be correct, but i know for a fact everyone will agree that no one will bend down to pick up the champa flower that was just fallen onto the ground.
Germany and the holocaust, was like cambodia and pol pot, it's ended with its dictator's death. additionally, they were "in trouble," many people from other countries were sent in to help and take down the power. and america and the hiroshima incident, japan at the time tried to fight back but lost, which still lingers now, but because of business/economic power they meet again, all this world is coming to is money and power. everyone is working on becoming #1, this is why they drop the past like it's nothing. that was the past... 10s of years ago. history will be looked at just like the war in iraq today, it happened and possibly 40 to 60 years from now we'll probably be great friends with iraq.
Talking about censoring, like i've mentioned before. they have an extent of freedom because you don't want to harm someone physically and mentally by airing something. also you don't want to expose to the immature viewers what they shouldn't be observing. these are pure common sense items we should all be well aware of. likely a reasoning behind europe and other countries not screening their media as much is likely people are more active than in the states, constantly sitting on their couches and waiting to watch the next prime time episode. and also considering the demographics of the USA, you don't want to air things to defend a huge population, in europe, you can air things happening in USA it's not affecting them and their political situation. if usa releases videos of 9/11, the world will be watching, leading to the terrorists who's likely to be watching and know every move of the usa, which isn't the brightest move to do, if you ask me.
everyone is entitled to their opinion, and i've not once said your opinion is wrong so keep going, this is quite amuzing.
Ummmm I know japan and america had hates between the 2 becuase of the bombing and world war 2. But japan and america both move on thats why thier 1 of the leading top countries in economy techonology today. To be success you gotta learn to forget and forgive. if you live in hate your going nowhere. The past is the past we new generation sappose to make it better and not make the mistake our ancestor or elders made. But this lao deang lao kao rival is still going on like it or not. I know becuase my father brother friend went back to laos and vanish. Not gonna go in detail about it. But this rival is still going on. Not to saying anything bad about us lao people but. we can never seem to get voer the past even the war with thailand in 1828. we still bring that up here and there and tension flies high. Well we gotta remember thailand and thier capital burn down by burma they forgot and move on and look at them now thier economy not perfect or great but good enough to survive. If laos can get over the hump we be where thailand is today or even past thailand but we cant forget forgive thats how we are I think its ignorant aroogant stubborn combine. Making us blind. Even the young kids my age talking about 1828 war with thailand act like they live through it when its been 100yrs ago. History to me is fake until proven real people past on and lie about it. No one tells the truth. You think if I tell you a story you will keep it the same as what i told you? no. you will add some more stuff here and there. And thats how it become a story. I dont believe in anything unless I see it with my eye which will never happen so I dont believe it and I dont stress about it. Now these young kids wanna stress over something they never witness they are stupid. thats my point of view. Take some lesson from japan and america move on and forget the war. Oh forgot england and america had a war in the 1775 i believe and they forgot and forgive. england and america are now allies and england and america are both one of the richies and powerful nation in the world. They dont live in the past like us.