Likit Kammatep(Broadcast Thai)


sarNie Adult
this lakorn is good so far. but man she has to marry p'ek dad just cuz her auntie wants her too. how sad


sarNie Adult
I just saw episode 1 and it was sooo cute! I feel bad for Ann, that dude tricked her into buying the condo then dropped her like a hot potato ;[ can't wait til the next one, what days does this air?


sarNie Coma
whoa, i think this lakorn is set to have 17 epi cuz i went to mart's website and the fans listed 17 epi.


sarNie Adult
thanks tinah.....cant wait to watch todays episode.....


sarNie Adult
wow this movie is moving in a fast pace b/c she was married in the old version b/f she got raped by p'ek and then it was at the hotel scene where she woke up not in the car; different but interesting...


sarNie Coma
haha. yeh, i remember reading the summary to the old version. the p'ek actully took n'ek to a hotel or something.

ahh i wanna see epi 2!..ann already got engage to mart's dad right? or it didnt happen yet


sarNie Hatchling
I just finish episode 2, pre'ak is so stupid, can't he tell the difference between virgin or not. such a mean word after the r sence. hope that ann will get him back badly for all the bad insult from Mart..........


sarNie Egg
Maybe p'ek didn't sleep with anyone before so he didn't know the difference hehehehehe ^_^. He seem to be very crazy about N'ek. Can't wait for ep 3.


You're Average Person :)
i just checked on youtube if anyone uploaded the next epi and no one did...plz do....i wanna see the r scene...what a perv i am


sarNie Coma
someone already has upload it on youtube. i still havent watch it cuz my comp is too freakin slow right now. be back, ill post up the link