Likit Kammatep(Broadcast Thai)


sarNie Granny
clearer Sc..look so good :lol: but i didnt know mart is a cop. it didnt show the last part from the teaser. hmm i wonder if thats another rape scene when mart is wearing the white tank top before the car scene

credit to fans @ tv3

he a cop ? he so bad den cuz he "R" Ann LOL she can't report to a police could she ?


sarNie Coma
^^haha thats what i was thinking too but i found out the Sc of mart in cop uniform was actually from another lakorn.


sarNie Coma
more behind the to fans @ tv3

they sure do have many :slapandkissse3: they are basically in every scene together :lol:

11 more days!



sarNie Adult
all these caps are getting me excited....cant wait for it to air......waiting to see this clip....


sarNie Coma
mag. cover from parpayon to nat @ AFC for the scan

ann's so gorgeous. her face expression on the last shoot is so cute

more from yimsiam..

andrew is so hot. i hope he gets w/aom although she is the n'rai



Lakorn Obsesser
That's great news then^^. Wahh!!! Anne looks amazing!!! Thanks for sharing. I'll be sure to make a spot for this one.


sarNie Coma
from sesan bunterng, it said this wont air til the 2oth. darn, 2 more weeks added!

behind the scene. credit to eayjang



sarNie Coma to nat @ AFC

the scenes are getting me all excited. too bad its not airing next week.
