sarNie Adult

I just love the above picture! Arnus and Kwan make one beautiful couple. Thanks aiyaja!!! Your summary are always the best!!
Here's the rest of the translation in regards to this lakorn.
Being ill-treated various ways, submerged in lies, forced to get married, stolen of virginity, and in addition, having ....
Translated by me: aiyaja Credits: PJJ
I think what she meant was, Kwan's R scene with Oil was too quick, Oil just carried Kwan and that was it, no struggling involved. I'm sure, this lakorn will have plenty of juicy scenes for us all. :fast & slow ...wat u mean LOL does it matter ? >>> u mean the aftermath ?? hahaha dat wat im interest in :loool:
She's holding it towards Arnus, that is the scene towards the end of the trailer where Arnus speaks about the baby.]http://www.ch7.com/website/fanclub/images/gallery/blood/bg162.jpgwonder who Kwan holdin a gun to?. .![]()