aww...thanks for the clip! totally cute! love cherry in her "guy get up"...i personally like cherry ever since her lakorn with tik...i mean if anyone can shine next to tik...well, heck mad props to her...i think cherry is a classic beauty...not a glamazon, not tooth pick thin, and not an oversexed symbol. i like how she's healthy looking and can represent the everyday woman. i also get this vibe like she's totally humble and could be a good friend who wouldn't forget about her "fulgy" friends. anyway, moving on, i'm excited for this new lakorn w/ seems easy going...nice romantic comedy after all the drama of JRL...hmm...just hope mart (though he is so cute) will have improved on his acting skills. come on mart, prove that you're more than just eye candy. well, here's to hoping this lakorns a winner!