sarNie Adult
haha...i know pai will beat the crap outta him if he dares to cheat on her. oh i take my words back. forget about beating his ass, knowing pai, she will kill him instead by shooting him in the arm over and over....until she amputated his arm and leave him to bleed to death. :loool: p'wat wants to get away from all these mafia stuffs, but he looks like he'll be married to a mafia-like woman who likes to shoot him in the arm when he gets her angry.Only if Wat cheats on Pai & then it 's on!!!Wat's probably too chicken to cheat on Pai because he knows how crazy she'll get on his ass! hahah.
Oh gosh I love how he tells her he misses her. hahaha. It's sooo naruk!
my advice for him is to get rid of all the guns in his house if he didn't already get rid of it yet, and to love only her 4ever. maybe... and maybe he will be safe.
i love it too when he tells her that he misses her. :wub: it always cute of him to keep on finding a way to kiss her even though he always end up getting punched or get yelled at. his perseverance is astonishing and should be praised.