Hi everyone sorry for the long wait. Here's chapter 5. Enjoy

Ps I'm not good with writing action but I tried my best
Please leave comments or advise
Apprication Nida (Neda)
Chapter 5
When the guys got to the house. They all got out of the van and one of the bodyguard rung the door bell. A maid came out
"may I help u" she asked
"yeah, is as Chai here" Wit asked
"ka my I know who this is"
"let him know the black dragons are here" Wit said
The maid stood shock "b-bl-black dr-dragons" she said
"chai pa can u hurry I need to pee" Sak said
"k-ka" the maid said and ran inside like crazy
"really when we are about to fight" Pae said
"yeah I really need to" Sak said
"just pee in that plant" Pat said as a joke
"ok" Sak said and went to the plant and actually pee in it
The guys look at him and shook their head.
"ae Pae brake down the door" Pit said
"my pleasure" Pae said and he finally kick down the door after 5 attempts
"took you long enough" Singh said
"shut up" Pae said
They look up and saw guns aiming at them
"we surrender" Pat said and put his hands up
"ae Pat" Sak said and hit his head
"we need to talk to ur boss ae Tawatchai" Seua said
"let them through" Tawatchai said
The guys walk to the living room where Tawatchai is.
"we're here to get my money" Pit said
"well you see I don't have it" Tawatchai said
"then you die or give us your house" Seua said
"I will never give you my house, can't I have another 2 months" Tawatchai asked
"no it's either you pay now, give us your house or die" Pit said
"well then...." Tawatchai begun
Everyone got their guns ready. In a split second the first shot was made but miss. Tawatchai try to get Pit but failed. Everyone ran to find a hiding spot and started shooting. The 6 boys weren't hiding though they were standing their shooting and grabbing the enemies body as a shield. Pit and Tawatchai were fighting, Pit was winning and once Pit got the gun on Tawatchai's head "last chance" Pit said
"so stubborn, this house is mine" Pit said and grab Tawatchai's finger and put it on ink and stamp it on the paper he had prepared "lights out" Pit said and shot Tawatchai in the head
Soon Tawatchai's bodyguards gave up, some were injured or dead. Sak and some bodyguards got shot but the rest didn't get hurt much. They walk out of the house with a success face on.
"well that was fast" Pat said
"probably the easiest" Sak said
"yeah" Pit said and look at the contract and smirk
They guys got in the van and started wrapping them self with sterile bandages and cleaning their wounds.
The guys got home around 9pm, they had to go somewhere else as well. When they walk in the house Ai and Bua was asleep on the couch, Kaew was making coffee and Lin was no where in sight.
"n'Ai, n'Bua wake up" Pat said
"your back" Kaew said once she saw the guys "how was it"
"success, Pit forced him to sign the contract before killing him and yeah" Pat said
"where's yai Lin" Pit asked
"ok she is asleep" Kaew answer
Pit walked upstairs to his room and open the door to see no one. He walk to Lin's room and open it to see Lin asleep. He walk to Lin, grab her hand and pull her up and over his shoulder
"ahhhhh" Lin scream "krai? ploy na" Lin said
"kid I told you to sleep in my room in my bed" Pit said
"well I don't want to" Lin said and cross her arms
Pit started walking, while walking Lin was punching and kicking Pit and screaming at him to let her go but he ignore it and carry her to his room and lock the door and walk to the bed and through her on it.
"ae bah" Lin said
"whatever I'm tired and don't have the energy to fight with you" Pit said and walk into the bathroom
"Wait until you come out I'll crush you" Lin said and sat there in the bed.
Once Pit walked out of the shower Lin through the pillow at him then soon regret it because his towel came off and she saw his 'thing'
"ahhhhhh my beautiful eyes, ahhh it burns" Lin screamed
"what don't you like it" Pit asked while putting the towel around him
"ae bah who would like it, I wonder how many virginity you took" Lin asked
"I'm not sure but yours will definitely be one" Pit said
"ae bah"
Pit sat on the bed and started drying himself "what? your going to watch me get change" Pit said
"ae bah" Lin said and got up and started kicking the door. "N'BUA HELP MEEEE" Lin yelled
"kid my room is sound proof, scream all you want, she won't be able to hear you" Pit said
Lin continue to scream and scream. Pit was getting annoyed every second until he had enough "SHUT UP, it's already 9pm go to sleep" Pit yelled
"mai" Lin said and continue screaming.
Pit got up and grab Lin and carry her to the bed.
"Mai na, ploy!!!!" Lin screamed
Pit grab his rope out of the drawer and tie Lin's hand together and grab one of his tie and tie it on Lin's mouth so she won't be about to scream
"now shut up and sleep" Pit said
"mmm!" Lin said
"sleep!" Pit said
"mmm" Lim said and shook her head and started struggling and moving around the bed
"look kid if you dont sleep right now I'll strip both of us naked and I'll rape you until morning" Pit said and look at Lin
Lin stop and lay down and close her eyes 'ae bah Pit, just wait until I get loose, then your feel pain' Lin thought while looking at Pit sleep and cursing him everyone second.
Seua place Bua down on the bed and cover her up with the blanket then walk into the shower.
Bua woke up from the sound of the water running down. Bua look around and realize it was Seua's room "how did I get here" Bua said. Bua heard the door open and saw Seua "p'Seua your back" Bua said
"yeah" Seua said and lay down
"have you clean your wounds yet" Bua asked
"no don't worry about it" Seua said
"mai ka" Bua said and got up and walk to the cupboard and grab the first-aid-kit and walk back to the bed on Seua's side and turn his face then started cleaning his face and putting bandages on his face. Seua look at Bua 'your so beautiful Bua' Seua thought and close his eyes.
When Bua finished she walk back to the bathroom and put the first-aid-kit box away and walk to the bed and went to sleep. Seua turn to Bua and pull her closer to him and hug her. Bua felt Seua hug her and she hug him back and smile.
The girls just finished of cleaning the wounds for the guys
"why am I the only one to get shot" Sak said
"dude you were playing around while everyone was shooting at each other and the next minute we hear you screaming saying that you got shot" Pae said
"well I was having fun" Sak said
"in a fight" Pat said
"hey what's wrong with having fun while in a fight" Singh said
"you too ae Singh, joking around with ae Sak while being shot at, god you two" Pae said
"well guys it's getting late I'm going to bed now na ka" Ai said
"me too" Kaew said "goodnight"
"goodnight n'Ai, goodnight n'Kaew" the guys said
Soon the guys went to sleep and it was all quiet.