I was about to post this! They're glamming up and they're all complete!
I hope it's for a magazine.
Girl, I know you're updated about Taew lol. Do you know the trans for this interview?
Rough transition, apologize if it isn't 100% accuracy word per word.
Reporters: let's talk about Matt now. We heard that Matt is searching for a mate.
Taew: oh from my understanding that is from her other groups of friends. Not sure what the deal is with the page but it's probably meant as a joke.
Reporters: is there a specific reason to do that?
Taew: lol, there doesnt have to be a reason when it comes to Matt because she does thing for laughter. Right now I think she should do whatever it takes to rise above the sorrow as quickly as she can. It's Matt, I think she can do it.
Reporter: how is she handling it at the moment?
Taew: she's ok when she's with friends. However I don't really know when she's by herself but we'll all give her support
Reporters: is that why you guys have been meeting up pretty often lately?
Taew: when theres a chance we would because there are still lots of things we want to do together
Reporters: in your eyes (opinions), do you think she is 100% ok now? [What a dumbass question
Taew: I dont think she is that well yet. I mean it was longer than 10 years, longer than my own relationship even. However it is up to the individual because everyone deals with and recover at their own pace. If she is ready to talk about it, we'll be ready to listen.
Reporters: did you ask her about it? [Omg
Taew: no, I dont think I should ask about stuff like this or continuously asking or reminding her about it. When she's ready or wants to she will and we'll listen [
Reporters: did she ever talk to you about it when they were having problems [really?
Taew: no, I think it's about two people [aka none of my business nor any of yours
Reporters: are you going to set her up with anyone?
Taew: No, will only give her my support
Reporters: you guys all have a mate, how does she feel about it right now?
Taew: oh she just rolls her eyes (lol)