My Heart's For Sale :: Rome/Rita


sarNie OldFart
i was shock, rome was married and had a daughter...awwww anna died :( i wonder what happened to his wife....

LMAO when i saw donna's name, i thought she was going to be really dirty, and would check rita out ahahhaahha......
i would like to play dirty and check out ROME... :drool: too bad he's my bro-in-law here... -_-


maplestory addict xD
lol whatever donna :D tis fic would be the type which is filled wif drama n i might stay off comedy and sex scenes lol


maplestory addict xD
lmao u gurls *so getting a 10tan pressure rite now* lol
i juz sent my assignment to be book bind n juz bak n yes .. i'm going to update now xD


maplestory addict xD
[ Chapter 6 ]

"So .. it's all rooted back to his wife?" Rita broke the silence after mourning for the loss of a girl, few minutes ago.

"Yeah, my sis .." Donna gave out another sigh.

"But -- why?" She was now looking at the doctor sitting right in front of her.

"Erm, the answer for that question .. is not for me to answer .. or to put it simply, I don't think I got the right to do so .. sorry."

"Oh, no, no. Don't sorry me .. you did nothing wrong. I was a lil shock that you were willing to tell me about Rome and your sister's past .. especially since I'm a -- stranger." Rita answered honestly, without a single lie.

"Well .." She paused. "You might think I'm talking rubbish here but, somehow, I saw a light of hope in his face -- which I haven't seen for a long time -- when he stepped into my office .. with you." She slightly stressed on the last word.

"O .. really?"

"Yeah .. anyways, you can go meet him in the cafeteria now. Once you're out of my room, take right then go straight and then take the left turning .. the lift would be there. Go down to the G floor. The cafeteria is kinda huge, it's hard to miss even if you're blind .. haha .."

"Ah, thanks!" Rita smiled. "B-But .. how about examination .. test or whatever??"

"You know .. I wouldn't be telling a person whom I think crazy about my family's past now .. would I?"

It wasn't really a question but clearly a wise statement. Rita giggled a little and just before she went out of the room, she turned her head and gave out a wink to the oh-so-too-friendly doctor whom she think was really,really nice.


"Oh god, I swear if I did a full body inspection on her that's now .. I would be a les by now, she's so -- gorgeous. Hahaha .." She's a funny doctor too. She clearly hope the years treating mental patients didn't turn her into one of them as she laughed all alone in her boxy room. Having a wild imagination - natural gift - it was no wonder she could easily amuse herself.


"Erm .. right .. straight then .. Ah! left .. LIFT."

She mumbled all the way to the lift. Just as she reached the destination, the lift door opened on it's own -- telling herself how lucky she was. The door was closing and Rita had already pressed the 'G' Button. It was going down - almost - when suddenly a hand slip in between the lift doors causing her to scream. She was scared of course, the place itself look haunted .. who knows, it might be really -- haunted. Without any hesitation, she pressed the button with the purpose of shutting the door .. leaving the owner of the hand with his hand stuck in between shouting in pain as well.

"A-A-HHH .. p-pain .. d-dex feel p-pain .."

That voice was too familiar to be a haunted ghost, she told herself. True as she had sensed, it was just Dex.

"Why did you stick you hand in like that suddenly?!?" She questioned the poor boy, no, man. She was actually concerned.

"I-I-I w-want t-t-o eat." He answered as he tried rubbing his hand, hoping it would feel better.

Oh .. we're going to the same place then.
"Are you okay?" She asked again, in a less irritated voice.

"Y-Yeah .. I-I'm a s-s-trong b-boy." "N-No, not b-boy .. d-doctor s-s-said I-I'm a M-M-M-A --"

She couldn't stand waiting for him to finish the sentence. She just cut through.


He nodded. "M-man is b-b-bette-e-r t-than b-boy. I-It's l-like a B-BIG B-B-Bo--"


He nodded again.

"You're actually cute, well, when you're not giving me a heart attack .." She smiled as she patted Dex's head. He just grinned showing her his perfectly clean set of teeth."

It was not long till they reached the Ground floor. It was not really that easy to find the cafeteria like Donna had said before but luckily Dex was with her. They reached the cafeteria and she could see the same man who abducted her here; sitting at one of the tables, drinking hot coffee and staring emptily into the surroundings.

"Hey!" She suddenly shouted. He was startled, traces of coffee could be seen on the table.

"Oi, could you try to not shout! Where's your manners lady??"

"I'd lost it, or -- never had one. better?" She was annoyed.

"Sit." He instructed.

"I like to stand .."



"I said SIT!" He bang the table. Again, there were some coffee spilled onto the table.

"Fine .." There were no more objection when you're scared.

"How come you come down so fast? I thought the tests would be taking a longer time .."

"We finished fast."

"Oh really? Good."

Rita looked at him as he sipped the remaining of the coffee in the cup. He suddenly feel an air of suspicion.

"What are you looking at?" He questioned. No, instructed.

"I got a question to ask b-but --"

"What? Just ask then."

"Well, Donna told me you were married --"

"She told you about my past? I'm guessing my daughter too?"

"I thought so. She must have sensed something when I brought you here. Maybe she thinks I've move on .." He sighed.

"Have you?" She asked.

"Nope. Well, not yet."

"Why?" One question after another.

"Didn't she tell you yet?"

"I know it's your wife but -- why?"

He put down the cup of coffee which he had hold onto during the Q&A session.

"I don't think it's your business to know that." He stated firmly.

"You were the one who said I could ask .. geez .." She mumbled.

"Now, enough about me. It's your turn."

"My turn? What turn??" Clearly, she was confused.

"Your past."

She paused for a moment. "Sorry, you may say that you own my heart, but I'll never spill out anything to you -- a stranger."

"Oh, I see where this is going .. I'm generous today. How about another chance? Will you tell me about your past?" He stressed.

"NO .. and that's final."

He gave out a laugh, not really a laugh but just a sound to signal that he was annoyed.

"Do you think I'll give up that easily?" He asked sternly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean .." He shifted his gaze, now locked towards both of Rita's eyes.

" Whether you want it or not, I WILL MAKE YOU TELL ME YOUR PAST! Even if I have to cut out your heart .."


sarNie Granny
"Oh god, I swear if I did a full body inspection on her that's now .. I would be a les by now, she's so -- gorgeous. Hahaha .." She a funny doctor too. She clearly hope the years treating mental patients didn't turned her into one of them as she laughed all alone in her boxy room. Having a wild imagination - natural gift - it was no wonder she could easily amuse herself."

i want to know about their pasts too <3 lol it's true, when you are scared, there are no objections


sarNie OldFart
dr. donna is so funny!! she'll turn lesbo if she did a full body check up on rita... :loool: and wild imagination is her natural gift... :rolleyes:

I want to know more about their pasts! ^_^


sarNie Adult
cutefuzzy wallpaper for the feb ladies is awesome...anyways either rome or rita pass has been revealed yet ah such keep it up donna is one funny doctor


maplestory addict xD
haha u gurls r too funny!

yes2drama:aww thanks.

actually Im scared i'm updating too fast. I got the idea for the next chap alrdy but I think I'll wait till everyone's read this chapter first.


maplestory addict xD
lol .. im kinda updating the fanfic now but juz for u gurls info...

everytime i read ur coments.. i often get confused between yes2drama n fun4fun LOL muz be because of the repititive words in the username :loool:


maplestory addict xD
[ Chapter 7 ]

"W-What did you just say??" Rita is completely sure that the man in front of her now is a patient here and not the doctor.

"I said .. I'll make you tell me your past .. whether you want it or not."

"No .. after that line .." Maybe she had imagined the last sentence afterall.

"Oh, the that part eh? Yeah, maybe I am crazy. Trust me, I will cut out your heart if thats what it takes to get the truth .."

"You're CRAZY!" She tried standing up -- she wanted to run.

Rome quickly hold onto her arms and pulled her down back with just a single force. Only now she realized how strong this man was. His muscles do look well tone but she never knew he was that strong.

"Sit." Of course, she obeyed it now without anymore question like before.

"Never ever stand or leave, if, you were not instructed to do so." He said in a soft yet angry tone.

"You do not own me!" Rita was still trying her luck.

"True. But I do own your heart." He stressed.

"No, you don't!"

"YES! I DO!!" He was much angrier than before. " I'll show you!" That was his last sentence before ..

"Ahhhh .. where are you taking me?? Put me down .. now!"

Rome carried her up and just put her on his right shoulder. Se fought hard, trying, to release herself. She tried moving her legs to kick his chest and also punch his back with her two bare fists -- but nothing worked. It was as if he felt no pain at all. No 'ouch' or even 'argh'. Ok, she finally accepted that this man was and still strong. But she's not going to give up so easily -- or so she think. Not even planning on taking the lift, he decided to use the stairs while carrying his 'precious heart'. There were no more resistance given, maybe she was too tired to do so or maybe, it was just -- useless. From the G floor, he climbed up every stairs till they reached the 3rd floor. And still, she still couldn't hear a single panting from that mental doctor. He walked and walked till they reached her designated room where he bang the door, entered, lock it and threw her onto the white and clean bed. She was scared .. very scared. The fear could be seen clearly in her face. The man just leaned onto the wall, looking at her with his ruthless eyes -- craving. He looked like a predator wanting to attack his prey .. anytime.

"W-What are you going to do to me??"

There were still no answer. He was still looking at her with those two predator eyes of his. It was as if he was thinking. Should I eat her up?

"W-Why are you looking at me that way??"

"D-Don't give me that eyes .."

"What are you thinking??"

"Please, please .. let me go .. don't do this to me .."

There was no two way interaction at all. It was only Rita's non-stop questiong and begging for her life from the owner of her heart.

"Why? Are you scared now?" He finally spoke.

"N-No .." She betrayed herself -- she was clearly scared.

"Then tell me your past!"


"Fine, fine .. you leave me no choice but to .."

He walked closer and closer. Each step he took seem so slow through Rita's naked eyes.

"Don't come near me! Don't!" She shouted. She held her clothe, fearing that his intention was to rape her.

"You're scared aren't you? You're scared I'm going to rape you?? Maybe, I will rape you .."

That was what she feared most. No more. What can she do to save her life now. Every breathe she take was like choking her. She wanted to shout but the voice wouldn't come out. Like it was stuck in the middle of her throat, determining whether to come out or not. Suddenly she managed to scream.


It was a mental hospital anyways, it's not abnormal for a patient to scream for help everyday like any other day. He shouldn't worry but he know he should. There is one person here other than him who knew that she was not crazy -- Donna. Again, he took off his tie. Re-using it again but this time, he used it to gag her. He turned her around, took the the tie and then .. tied her mouth shut. She was trying to talk but all she was able to do was mmph-ing.

"Now, I'm going to show you who's boss!"

She was like a mad woman now. No different from the other patient there. She moved both her hands and feet so fast. She kicked and threw punches to release herself from the mad doctor. But she was not strong enough to do so. Rome reached towards the straitjacket which was left hanging at the end of the bed. He grabbed it fast and though it was a little difficult to wear a straitjacket to a person, alone, he did it. He forced one of Rita's hand to enter the hole while grabbing her other hand to put it at the back. After securing one hand, he forced the other one into the other hole. Since both hand was now secured. He started tying each and everyone of the strap at the back of the straitjacket so hard, it would be impossible for her to escape now. Now, he started panting a little. He sat down on the bed right beside her, trying to cool down for a moment. Then, he went down and pulled out a wheelchair. Without wasting a minute longer, he took Rita, and placed her on the wheelchair. Rome walked to the front of the wheelchair and start squatting down. He looked at her with those beautiful eyes of him.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to rape you .."

"But." He paused.

"I am going to take you see something, that you would have wished you had told me your past earlier!"
