My life , My heart is for Love you only (M&M)


sarNie Adult
Starting : Mint Chalida as Nalite ( Mai ) ( 20 year old )
Mark Prin as Mawin ( Win ) ( 24 year old )
Main cast : YaYa as MaNa ( Win's younger sister) ( 19 year old )
Nadech as Pitt ( Nalite best friend ) ( 21 year old )
Boy.pakorn as Kai ( Nalite boss ) ( 25 year old )
Margie as RiKa ( Nalite's friend live in USA ) ( 20 year old )
Kim as waew ( Win girlfriend ) ( 21 year old )
Jame Jirayu as Dr.Thy ( Win Best friend ) ( 24 year old )
Bella as saifah ( 22 year old )
Summury : Mint chalida ( Nalite ) : she is beautiful girl , clever ,like smile , but she has secret love with Win since she is young , ( she is orphan , she live alone at USA , and one day she met win family , they are her family old friend , they want to care a promise with her family that she and win must marry )
Mark Prin ( Win ) : he is rich , Has girlfriend name waew , one day his family force him marry with Nalite that he never see face before , he angry so much
YaYa (Mana ) : she is Mawin younger sister , she is a kind , but she always was tease her esp Nadech
Nadech (Pitt) : he is Nalite best friend , he is hand some and rich , he love Mana but he like tease her
Boy ( Kai ) : Nalite's Boss , he have ESP feeling on Nalite , so he always help Nalite all everything
Margie (RiKa ) : Nalite's best friend live in USA , she is kind , but she hate Kai
Kim ( Waew) : Win girlfriend , she love win because of His money and when she heard he near marry , she angry so much , she promise with herself that she will make everything for destroy Nalite
Jame jira yu ( Dr. Thy ) : he is a good doctor , kind but his mouth like scissor because he is talkative and he is best friend with Win
Bella ( saifah) : she is a new nurse that work with Thy , when they met first time , he drove a car hit to her and he
doesn't sorry her , she hate him

After her parents die , Nalite was move to USA since she is 16 year old , later 4 year , she come back , and one day she met her family old friend by chance , they love her so much and they want to her marry with their son , Win , because they want complete the promise , when she heard his name , her heart is beat so fast because he is person that she love since she is young , but for Win he never think like Nalite because he never remember her and when he heard that he must marry , he angry so much because person that he want marry with it is Waew , but his parents doesn't like her because his parents know that Waew , she doesn't love Win , the truth she love his money , they told him but he doesn't believe , but last time he must married with her the same because if he doesn't marry , he will not to inherit

Should I write Chapter one ?


sarNie Adult
plz continue
I love it Coca
I love all ur ff even if u haven't finish them but still I love them all
so plz continue


sarNie Adult
Chapter 1
In a hospital have a little girl that sitting in the front of ICU and she cried so much , suddenly the doctor came out 
Nalite : how is my parents ?
Doctor : sorry we helped them aside from my ability but they was die , please nong is determined 
Nalite : Mai jing , I don't believe 
She ran into ICU and hug them and say
Nalite : phaw , Mae , get up , don't leave me , give me stay alone , ( she cried so much ) 
" Back to reality "
" In USA "
Nalite : Phaw  , Mae , don't leave me 
Suddenly she open her eye and get up , she say with herself 
Nalite: the truth , It just dream 
Nalite is beautiful girl , she live in USA since 16 years old because her parents was die in accident , and she got a scholarship for study in USA , she live a lone and now she graduated , suddenly her phone ring , she hurry run from bathroom for pick her phone , 
Nalite : hello 
Pitt: hello Mai 
Nalite have other name is Mai because it is name that her parents put since she born 
Nalite: what's up ? 
Pitt: your ticket is already , I bought it , tomorrow we can go 
Nalite : ok see you at airport tomorrow
Pitt : hmm bye 
Tomorrow Nalite must come back to Bangkok because she want to live there and she promise with her family's friend that she will come back
" In Thailand "
Mawin and Waew are sitting in restaurant because today it's a 3 anniversary that they loved together , Waew said
Waew: today I really happy 
Mawin: me too , 
And they didn't know that have person is taking them photograph 
"In Mawin house "
Now Mawin come back he happy so much , when he walk to living room his parents is waiting him , they angry so much and now Mawin arrive and ask 
Mawin : hello Phaw , Mae 
His dad was throw photo to him 
Mawin's dad : why did you still contract her ? 
Mawin : Phaw , I love her but why don't you like her ? I don't understand 
Mawin's mother : we used to tell you that she didn't love you , she just love your money 
Mawin: Mae , I don't believe , Mae have a proofs or not and if you don't have , don't say with me because I will not stop contract with her 
Mawin go to upstairs and Mana walked to her parents and ask 
Mana: Phaw , Mae , are you ok ?
Mana's mother : we ok but Khun Pee how should we do continue ? 
Mana's dad: it can method 
Mana's mother: method , ( she thinking, suddenly she remember ) Khun Pee I remember 
Mana 's dad: remember what ?
Mana's mother : Khun Pee , you don't remember about Khun kit danai family that we promise with them 
Mana's dad: Kit Danai but they was die along time 
Mana's mother : but they have a daughter that she still a live 
Mana's dad: but we don't know that now where is she ?because since Khun Kit Danai die , we never saw her 
Mana's mother: who say that we don't know ?
Mana's dad: you know 
Mana's mother : ka I know because I met her at USA when I go for my holiday and tomorrow she come back 
Mana wonder , who that her parent talk ? She ask 
Mana: Phaw , Mae who that come back tomorrow ? 
Mana's mom: tomorrow you will know 
Mana's mother went to upstairs and call to Nalite , she answered 
Mana's mom: hello Luk 
Nalite : hello Pa , what wrong with you ? Why did you call to me ?
Mana's mom: nothing , I just want to know that when you arrive , because I miss you so much 
Nalite: oh , tomorrow perhaps in the evening ka 
Mana's mom : so Pa will prepare room for you 
Nalite: thank Pa , I bother you a lot 
Mana's mom : no problem because all everything that Pa make , I'm satisfied , for you only 
Nalite : ka thank 
Mana's mom : Emm and when you arrive Pa have story want to talk with you ? now you a rest see you tomorrow 
Nalite: ka bye 
Mana's mom: bye my lovely nice 
After talk with Nalite finish , she smile and say with herself
Mana's mom : Mawin , you will know soon 
"In the USA "
After Nalite talk finish , she happy so much because tomorrow she will meet person that she want to meet him along time , she think that he remember her or not , and then she go to bed , when she sleep , she smile 

Preview , Chapter 2 
Mawin : why must I married with girl that I never see her face before ? 
Nalite : Sawadee ka Khun Pa and Khun Lung 
Mawin's mom : ka Sawadee Luk 
Nalite : ha I will married with P Win 
Mawin: Mae , I will not married with this girl 
What happen ? And should I post continue ? 


sarNie Adult
Coca its lovely i love it already
plz continue