Nai_1_1's Pics


Mama Noy ♥️
ahhh.... what I hate the most is going to the movies and being surrounded by teenagers. It's like they go to the movies to chat with eachother or chat on their cell phones.
arggh.. i'm there with you. Especially when you're sitting in front of them & they're kicking your seat! Arggh. I snapped a someone once because they kept running up & down the aisles. <_<

Hmmm the teens around here don't do that because they know they'll end up in the trashcan if they do. HAHA just kidding. But really though, they don't.
No my parents always yell at us instead of the younger ones because they say we're older, we should know better. Argggh it pisses me off so much sometimes.
Deng... you are mean! LMAO. I just curse them out. hahaha. My mama loves me :wub: so i get away with a lot of things that i do to my sister. LOL.


arggh.. i'm there with you. Especially when you're sitting in front of them & they're kicking your seat! Arggh. I snapped a someone once because they kept running up & down the aisles. <_<

Deng... you are mean! LMAO. I just curse them out. hahaha. My mama loves me :wub: so i get away with a lot of things that i do to my sister. LOL.
Haha I'm not the one that puts them in the trashcans. It's the other bullies. I just sit back and enjoy :lol:! Haha totally kidding. Only high school freshmen or fresh "meat" as we like to call them end up in trashcans.

jeezus both of yah are youngens lol aw nong nai and nong noy LOL
Yes P'Diamend? LOL.


Mama Noy ♥️
Haha I'm not the one that puts them in the trashcans. It's the other bullies. I just sit back and enjoy :lol:! Haha totally kidding. Only high school freshmen or fresh "meat" as we like to call them end up in trashcans.

Yes P'Diamend? LOL.
HAHA. omg. i remember when i was a senior in HS. there was this one lil freshman boy that no one liked. He was so annoying. So the boy's basketball team gave him wedgie & hung up on the fence. :lol: but then he fell from the fence & hit his head on something metal.... so it wasn't funny after that...

u are to me lol i'm ur p' lol imma call both yah nong from now on haha
haha. yesh P'Diamend. I salute you :D It's so weird having someone call me nong. specially since the majority of sarnies in here are young so they've been calling me P'Noy. LOL.


Yeah the fresh meat are usually annoying. Uggh especially those prep ones that think they're all cool lol. I'm like little one, let me show you what cool really is :lol:.

In college though, everyone is like equal. At least here it is because we're too busy to even move haha.


Mama Noy ♥️
lol. so true. I don't pay much attention to my school. I just go & come back home. hahah. try not to stay on campus too long, i start to panic. haha.


sarNie Oldmaid
LOL y u start to panic? LOL no don't call me dia lol people been tryin to do dat a lot lately haha. just call me p'petch ok lol


Mama Noy ♥️
LOL y u start to panic? LOL no don't call me dia lol people been tryin to do dat a lot lately haha. just call me p'petch ok lol
Gotcha P'Petch :D

i don't actually mean it in the literally since, but i don't like being on campus, so i try to avoid it as much as possible, only time i want to be on campus is if I have class. lol. other than that, stay far away from it... haha


sarNie Oldmaid
oh lol i was like dat too when i was in school. man graduation day was da happiest day of my life. i liked my school though it's just dat i was tired from walking all day cause it's a huge ass campus. it takes bout 10 min to walk from one building to da next cause my classes were usually scattered lol


Urggg i hate scattered classes. This quarter I was pretty lucky that my classes were not too awfully scattered except for on Monday's and Wednesday's. I had two lectures in the same area but they're an hour apart from eachother, so after the first one I leave back to go to my dorms and then have to come all the way across campus again. I actually didn't mind it too much, except for on the really cold days lol.


Mama Noy ♥️
LOL. You know what else is worst than scattered classes-- parking! LMAO Gosh, parking is such a biatch. <_< sometimes i be forgetting where I park at..


We don't even get to have a car here since we live in the dorms. The only way that we can have one is if we lived in the off campus dormitory. HOW LAME! You know what's worst than finding parking? Getting your bike stolen especially if you live far from where class is. Arggh imagine getting out of class, being hella pissed, only to find that someone stole your bike!!!


So my friend Vi from Thailand came to visit me this fact she's still currently here...I wish she left soon because I'm running out of blood meals to feed her. Yeah she's like a vampire, only wanting blood meals. Talk about bloody valentine haha. Here's a pic of us after Vi's feeding. Can you see the drip of blood from the side of her mouth? LOL.


I tried to feed her these delicious Thai food...I even added more spices to make it more appealing and draw her attention...but she refused and decided that she only wants BLOOD.

Surprisingly though she loved the gelato, even though it contains no blood. Maybe it's the sugar she's after LOL.