i think after this verison i'mma go rewatch the old version.i love both version, they're all addictive but, ae looks more sweet, but pong is hotter than ek...
edit: own!!! :yahoo:
me. haha. j/k i'm just too lazy to kick ppls ass.. lollol. its true that bie is too kind to vee. if i were bie, i'll kick vee's ass a long time ago (a little violent todai) but gosh i cant stand it. I have to fast forward those parts. i really admire bie's patience. she never gets mad or fight back even once. is there this wonderful person like bie in our world? I havent seen 1 yet.
omg i'm dying to know what's gonna happen!! i seriously couldn't even concentrate in class today because i kept thinking bout today's epii can't wait for today's episode, try to watch it live, but my internet sucks this day. stupid internet! :arrg:
At first, I thought Keitchai's such a bad guy but after he let Bpee go and didn't rape her, I realized he's not that bad. And the mom makes this drama be lighter so like you, I prefer not to see anybody die. The only one deserving to be killed at the end is Vee; this girl annoys me as hell.I don't think Keitchai is dead. I'm kinda hoping that the mom doesn't die in this one. Hope they change it so nobody else dies. Otherwise, that's just so sad! But, I'm thinking it might happen or else I don't know how else the little brother will get money and marry Vi's lil sister.
Does that mean we has to wait 4 more days in order to watch scene where Monthai tries to save Bpee from suiside?Watching today's episode it's ending where Bpie drowned herself the look in Monthai's face! When he heard she was in the water. Mon realized that she was killing herself because of him lol
wow. very good... it was indeed the symphony of sadness.I miss SW period. When I have nothing to do I always come here and it feels weird not being able to click on it randomly. But anyhow I posted this on the SB thread but I'll post it here too. It's my first semi-Ngao Asoke vid, I think of it as my Rough Love piece. I'll make a P&P vid by themselves once it ends and KhoonxWan puts up better quality. (Thanks for doing that by the way, you're love babe)!