Professional Lakorn Watcher
you guys!! this is a break through!! we've got 2 more pages till 50!! Keep them coming, we're almost there. Let's leave Badarn Jai in our tracks.
LOL yeah Em is his real nameOh.. I rememer him now.. he's that snake from Lkit Khammatep!!
girls, don't worry, i come back B) . page 50 is soon :yahoo:you guys!! this is a break through!! we've got 2 more pages till 50!! Keep them coming, we're almost there. Let's leave Badarn Jai in our tracks.
I would love to help, but I don't know how to do any of that stuff. Nor do I have the programs! Sorry!LOL it's in the process of being subbed right now .. right now Im working on the translations instead of finishing the whole episode at once because I want to make sure I can do it first ;p.. my problem is we need timers! lol