it was amazing...i'm! great work...keep it up...I miss SW period. When I have nothing to do I always come here and it feels weird not being able to click on it randomly. But anyhow I posted this on the SB thread but I'll post it here too. It's my first semi-Ngao Asoke vid, I think of it as my Rough Love piece. I'll make a P&P vid by themselves once it ends and KhoonxWan puts up better quality. (Thanks for doing that by the way, you're love babe)!
yeah...wen she was walking towards the water..tinking back to all the tings they've said to her..i can understand now why she did it...goodness if tat much crap was in my head and i had no one to turned to..i might go a lilo loco too..esp. wen she was beating Bpee up...the way she cried it seem like losing Monthai actuallie reallie hurted her...anyone else agrees?..i was like does she actuallie cared for him??...when i watched bee drowned herself after got beaten up, i felt so bad for her. when i saw monthai's mom n bee cried, my tears felt down too. I don't understand what they were saying. but i just felt pity for bee. she's alone in this world, no family or anything, and always got abused. she's like Cinderella waiting for her prince to save her. But monthai doesn't really show much of that. I can see that he was so worried about bee when he picked up her other shoe. anyways, hopefully he'll show more interests toward bee next week or at least be more protective to her toward Vee.
You know what I can't wait until he starts to fall for her lol cause imagine he's not even admitting that he loves her yet but he's always touching her and stuff already imagine if he openly admits he loves her how much more he would be on her!
I think he already falls for her but he tries to hide his true feelings and doesn't want to admit them. Keep rewatching the preview since it looks like there will be more sweet scenes between Monthai and Bpee in the next episode.You know what I can't wait until he starts to fall for her lol cause imagine he's not even admitting that he loves her yet but he's always touching her and stuff already imagine if he openly admits he loves her how much more he would be on her!
oh he will be all up on her... grinding on her & whatnot.... haha... maybe even making out with her... :loool: okay the making out part was a lil too much... i take it back.You know what I can't wait until he starts to fall for her lol cause imagine he's not even admitting that he loves her yet but he's always touching her and stuff already imagine if he openly admits he loves her how much more he would be on her!
It was more than messed up Tina, that was just low. I would've smacked him if i were Bpie.he thanked her for using her life as a device to get out of the marriage which is kind of messed up =\
lmao. i almost screamed with excitement when i found out! yay! man... i was sooo bored yesterday... shoot.. nothing to do.. .wahhh... but now SW is back.! whew!haha.. noy.. your heart is beating again? you funny girl.
Tina's awesome.If it weren't for Tina's guidance about SW, I'd be going berserk for the past 3 days. Wheww...
he thanked her for using her life as a device to get out of the marriage which is kind of messed up =\
I knowww... i just wanna stamp "durhhh" on his forehead.yeah, when I woke today.. first thing I did was checked SW.. and my eyes widened as if I got kissed for the very first time when I saw SW back again. Hehe...
Anyway.. back to topic...
Monthai is such a dope.. I'm beginning to hate him!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
yeshhhh doesn't it!?!?!!*woot* woot* sarnworld is bakk!!!!!
but yes i hated that part!!!!
i wanted to beat up monthai..hehe feels soo good to be bakk on the thread!