[OneHD] A Love to Kill (Exact)


sarNie Hatchling
I think Rain suits well with comedy than tragedy lol About Vill, I'm sure she'll bring out the best character than SMA
New is totally a fresh wind for me. Haizzz Exact doesn't have much pra'ek which owns both good looking and acting skill. I looked around and see not many new options for Vil's next co-stars. Some new faces like Sean is too baby for Vill Lol


sarNie OldFart
Vill has well enough experiences as leading, she already got and play so many different roles I'm sure too she will bring out it best, New I think he can do it. We will know about New  if they updates us more  pics
Seem like everyone want Sean for Vill next project haha


sarNie OldFart
Nini611@ are you still here? if so post up everything you want to say we will read later, now I'm going to sleep too GOOD NIGHT


sarNie Hatchling
Since Exact cooperates with One HD, I think they begin to create koogine again, like SeanEsther or Biena,...It's okay to have SeanVill in next project though I've never seen any lakorn of him before.
Urhhh, New has 2 films while Vill just has one. I wanna see her in events or magazines cover since she doesn't update SNS much :(


sarNie OldFart
Vill IG update is so strange hope she is okay and wish my thoughts are not true



sarNie OldFart
Nini611 said:
Since Exact cooperates with One HD, I think they begin to create koogine again, like SeanEsther or Biena,...It's okay to have SeanVill in next project though I've never seen any lakorn of him before.
Urhhh, New has 2 films while Vill just has one. I wanna see her in events or magazines cover since she doesn't update SNS much :(
WOW SeanEsther reunion already
Ohh man why not My SonVill, PushVill and ToomVill


sarNie Hatchling
What are you afraid of? Yah sometimes it's hard to guess Vill's mind.
Due to SeanEsther reunion, we can't see SeanVill this year..... SonVill or PushVill is difficult too cuz two guys have their own projects :(
My last hope is ToomVill "sigh"


sarNie OldFart
Nini611 said:
What are you afraid of? Yah sometimes it's hard to guess Vill's mind.
Due to SeanEsther reunion, we can't see SeanVill this year..... SonVill or PushVill is difficult too cuz two guys have their own projects :(
My last hope is ToomVill "sigh"
Yah Push and Son they both have a lot of projects left and right
ToomVill is my hope too, but you know NJ was ending not too long a go so did you think Exact will reunion them soon?


sarNie Hatchling
Yah Push and Son they both have a lot of projects left and right
ToomVill is my hope too, but you know NJ was ending not too long a go so did you think Exact will reunion them soon?
If they intend to promote them as "koogine", it may have chance, like PushJooy. But I don't think Exact will do that, especially when Toomtam has girlfriend already.
ALTK really has little BTS photos, I mean are they too greedy to keep it private? New film of Vill-Nike has many though.
I don't know Toomtam's lakorn with Mo, just remember that Mo is filming with Pong and Son right now


sarNie OldFart
Nini611 said:
If they intend to promote them as "koogine", it may have chance, like PushJooy. But I don't think Exact will do that, especially when Toomtam has girlfriend already.
ALTK really has little BTS photos, I mean are they too greedy to keep it private? New film of Vill-Nike has many though.
I don't know Toomtam's lakorn with Mo, just remember that Mo is filming with Pong and Son right now
Toomtam lakorn with Mo title is something like Gook Gook haha I don't know but it remind me of May pig name
Well only if his girlfriend is not jealous or not try to mess up, They might promote them. Toomtam gf is everywhere, if you are that jealous why don't you go date none celebrity
They keep private seem like they want to surprise us


sarNie OldFart
Yeah, Exact should have moved over to One HD when LNF was airing, perhaps then, they would have boomed bigger since there are so many talkshows and activities in general for the cast to participate in. Then we may have gotten a reunion between PushVill. Hahaha. Oh well. SeanEsther MADE IT BIGGGGGG this year. I'm happy for them. Seanest were supporting at Ch. 3 to making it even bigger than the leads at Ch. 3 now. Lol That's fate.
I understand, sometimes things are just written a certain way. Like for SonVill, they boomed when they first came out. Vill has had some pretty good hits in her career like with Son, Bie, Guy, Toomtam in SSP, to Push. I hope Vill doesn't end there and will continue to make huge hits both domestically and internationally. :dude:
Anyway, don't be alarmed if I'll be MIA for a bit. I have TONS of things to catch up on and take care of. I'll still be around, just less active. I have to stop all lakorns this weekend. :cry: I'm in transition with certain things right now. Haha. I adore Vill too much. I literally spend hours on the Internet and Instagram trying to find news, gossip, information, and such to update us all. But anyway, I can't be spending that much time anymore, sadly. Hopefully in the summer, in about a month or two, when I have everything settled, I'll have more time again. :spin: I haven't been photoshopping either because I'm about to pack up my computer, PC.


sarNie Hatchling
Sure, other artist of ALTK don't post much photos as well. We run out of stories to chat abt ALTK cuz of that :(
About ToomVill, she's definitely uncomfortable to interact much with Toomtam cuz she doesn't want to have any rumors. His gf is everywhere. Don't know does New have gf yet? Still hope that their chemistry will burn and create good effect


sarNie Hatchling
@Aiyaja: hope that you'll settle soon and have free time to chat with people here :) Don't forget to pass by here when you have free time. Wish that when you come back totally, we have much things to share abt ALTK and Vill's next project


sarNie OldFart
Nini611 said:
Sure, other artist of ALTK don't post much photos as well. We run out of stories to chat abt ALTK cuz of that :(
About ToomVill, she's definitely uncomfortable to interact much with Toomtam cuz she doesn't want to have any rumors. His gf is everywhere. Don't know does New have gf yet? Still hope that their chemistry will burn and create good effect
Well I think ALTK is slowly is because both leading actors first and second, they are filming two lakorns at the same time
So sad there is not one for Vill to promote as lakorn couple. Hope please Not Nike
aiyaja@ said New might already have GF. last year, there were pics  around on internet


sarNie OldFart
Yeah, I don't know if New is single or not. They don't really ask him those questions. Hahhaa.
I don't want to have too much hope for NewVill since New and Marie will be coming out with The O.C. soon, most likely this year, and they look really cute and close too, so they may end up booming like Seanest. Haha.
I'll just focus on Vill for now. Hehe.