It's my first time seeing Sean act onscreen, so I'm okay. Besides, it's his first pra'ake role too so he gets a pass from me this time. lol I couldn't stop fangirling over Esther and Sean's scenes together. They are so cute!! I really felt bad for Sake when he found out that Itsala couldn't have kids. Well, now we got rid of her. I can't wait until all the drama begins. Actually, I can't wait until she moves in. More scenes to fangirl over. Now we have to wait another whole week for episode 2-3. This is torturous. Sigh. The credits though. Those scenes in the credits makes me so excited! I can't wait to see them! Oh my gosh! It's so cute!!!! But wait, I don't remember Sake losing his eye sight.....? I don't think he did but hopefully in this version it's not a big deal. My poor Sean though. lol