Hiya, guys! :hiya: After my replies, I'm going to sleep. I can't wait until after work tomorrow! Two days off! :woot: Then, I can spend all day on this thread!
Eek, dear
Robber, thank you so much for all the pictures!

They make me so excited and anxious! As interesting as they are, we seriously need some ToomVill pictures to make us even crazier. :weee: :blush: Vill looks so cute with her hair like that; hopefully that means...no hat all the time! :bhehe:
If you don't mind me asking,
Robber, in the following Komchadluek link/article, what's it saying about Vill's role in
SSP? Any good news? :spin:
queenyeon said:
The view is seriously breathtaking gorgeous!
no Toom-Vill picture yet? :cry:
Awh, I'm crying with you,
Queenyeon. :lmao: We want ToomVill pictures! Pretty please. :worthy: Someone, somewhere, please share ToomVill pictures!
Chalidaluvprin said:
Yehhhhhh!!! There filming!!!!
I agree with you!!!
Chalidaluvprin said:
Is that hot bearded guy toomtam its freakin hottttttttt.

:highfive: :yes: Aah, I'm excited that they're filming, but I hope they don't film the scenes out of sequence. :annoyed: I prefer to see ToomVill's emotions build up gradually along the way, not running all over the place. But then again, it will be a good test for their chemistry. :wub: So, I hope they pull it off.

Yep, that bearded guy is Toomtam, Minny. :loool: Yikes, a little too hairy for my tastes, but Toomtam does still look hot! :spicy: :lolyup:
Ooh, I can't wait to see your future collaborations with Marina! :bravo:
huajaikaungtur said:
Maiko: I always see Minny lurking around our collabs xD But she never joins so I'd love her to. No need to thank me, girl. Let me thank you!
Yes and yes!

We're all desperately waiting for their pictures...come on, you two!!! Promote yourselves better this time! :woot:
amylovemeng1 said:
Omg!! I'm sooo happy they start filming. My heart is beating so fast right now. I'm like checking this thread everyday just for update. Can't wait to see pictures of my handsome Toomtam and beautiful Vill.
amylovemeng1 said:
Thanks for the pictures. Toomtam is so sexy.
Amylovemeng1, I am super happy and excited, too! :woot2: Awh, I check this thread and everywhere else for updates, as well. :yes: I'm dying to see ToomVill pictures. :wub: As giddy as I am over them filming, I'm also worried, too... :unsure: I don't want them to film the scenes out of sequence too much, for I want ToomVill's emotions and acting to be there 100%... Hopefully, their chemistry will come through, no matter what.

Having faith in those two now. :strong:
Yes! Toomtam is indeed sexy with the mustache haha. Although...I do want it to be lighter hehe. :lol2:
DaisyDukes* said:
5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555++ Am I the only one who finds him in that beard almost too caveman looking???? LOL. Srsly, what did you do to Toomtam, Aom???! LOL. Brook's twin did not have that caveman beard!!!! LOL
Anyway, Toomtam will be interesting in that role/look. Still looking forward to more pictures.
:lmao2: :lmao3: :rofl: Aw, I was a little shocked when I first saw him with the beard, but darn, he still looks so charming, handsome, and sexy. xD I do want him with lighter facial hair, but oh well; I still drool over bearded Toomtam haha. :drool: It's not too extreme, thank goodness.

hew: Yes, we need even more pictures, Daisy! :spin:
lakornfan8 said:
OMG! Toomtam looks hot with a little beard! He should play Jam Loey Rak! So excited to see this lakorn taking off so quick! We may see it early next year then???
Haha, at least you find him hot with a little beard!

Ooh, Toomtam as Harit in
JLR? Cool!

Exact is always fast with its lakorn filming, so I'm 100% positive that we'll get to see
NJ next year,
Lakornfan8...maybe not early, but perhaps summer or late spring?
A couple more pictures, guys!
Credits: princetamgroup & tahyani's IGs.
Oh, Toomtam! :spicy: You make girls' hearts swoon! And the gals light-headed! :faint: Hmm, looks like little Nava is there at the filming location, too?

Hehe, I spy Vill's oversized coat. xD Ooh, wonder why she left it there...what could be the reason why she's not wearing it?

ervie: :lolyup:
Well, night/good day, everyone! :goodnite:

:grouphug: Let's hope for even more updates and more pictures! :yahoo: :spin: