sarNie Adult
^^ I hope they change the storyline a little bit from the old version.
dchick81 said:lol, I'm not really excited for the twin role story, but I am interested in their acting since the roles have been flipped on the same pair. I have never- I think- seen a case where an onscreen couple has done this that's why I think it will be fun comparing them in a 'same yet different' position. I really like both of them as actors/actresses so I am looking forward to what they can bring to the table for this one. Don't get me wrong, I like twin role stories but I don't like the ones where I feel like I got tricked (like when you think it's about one character/couple but then it was about the other one the whole time) lol. I don't mind twists in plots, but if it messes with the plot in a way that will upset me have seen my reaction to SSP and the other dramas/movies I mentioned, lol. We shall see with this one.
DaisyDukes* said:LOL XD Aom really should have chosen RLSR for realz, we TOOMVILL fans would have be flipping with joys. 555
Anyhow, I trust in the chemistry between ToomVill so Im not worried about the NJ script. Since they both rocked SSP so well compared to the old one, I trusted them here. Drama drama and love scenes are what I love, not pyschos okay. Lol
DaisyDukes* said:Good news! Yay!^^ yesterday Toomtam already flew to the northern part of Thailand to begin filming, and today Vill will fly out as well to catch up with filming. Woo hoo. So excited!lets hope we get lots of BTS pictures!
The fans say Aom already left with Toomtam.See you soon ToomVill!
Chalidaluvprin said:@maiko
I also wish that maytinee and root marries afterwards because it will be weird if they married in his brothers name
Agree she should have chosen that, so we ToomVill fans will scream to Dealth and will be so proud.
huajaikaungtur said:Maiko: Yes, you need to calm downWell, I think my videos are so bland but thank you so much. You're the sweetest
Don't be jealous, girl. Thank you again for your kind comments.
Vill's back already? Yahoo! Hope to see more updates for NJ!!"My brother" Wahaat? She aint yo brother, girl, she's yo loverr! XD Haha. JK but that's still so sweet. I'm happy she wished him a happy birthday. And yes, Maiko, go do your tweeting!
Fingers crossed~
SokLaHote said:Ok I look forward to the pairing and this time Toomtam playing twins instead but still not my lakorn of choice to remake. I don't recall the storyline too much and I didn't care enough to remember. As much of a fanatic as I was of Kob, I still couldn't bring myself to watch the lakorn back then. It didn't help that the pra'ek was Brook too. Toomtam and Vill carried the lakorn in SSP and I just feel they need a strong enough script to go along with their acting. I hope and pray this time around the plot/storyline won't make me throw my cell phone or pull my husband's hair. I'm ready for the sparks between Toomtam and Vill to fly and cause a raging fire. Yeah baby!
@Maiko It was nice to receive a message from you. Thanks
fun said:@maiko im not quite back yet. Lakorn world has been unstable this yr. Im hoping for a better 2014. I did a lot of ff in kob and brook version. I dont really have high hopes for aom but I believe in second chances. About noi, I feel bad for her. Every lakorn she has produce was not up to par.
I dont recall much but one of the thing I dislike was that in names and the wedding night, she married root and afterward the other twin watip comes in. and I dislike it even more that she continues to see her ex!!! I didnt like pra ek at all, mainly due to the actor. So since toomtam will be playing the part, my opinions may changed about the lakorn. If not, I must not really like the character lol and yes this did have a happy ending.
queenyeon said:Thanks for all the updates Robber, that's awesome! I didn't expect them to start filming so soon!
preetam said:Through this pic I have to admit vill is pretty with no make up![]()
huajaikaungtur said:Maiko: Haha, of course. Thank you againAnd yes, I thought we'd get updates later but I'm so happy Vill got back quickly. She must be so excited for Ngao Jai so she came back quickly, eh? LOLOL XD Yeahh!~ Can't wait to see more. Okay, no worries. Get some rest
Love your comments, too, girl! <3