Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Aw, thanks, Ncmeowmeow35! :wub:
aiyaja said:
Goodnight everyone! Love you ToomVill and Ngao Jai!
Eek, Aiyaja! :heart: :grouphug:
Kimberry<3 said:
The song choice in perfection! I love Susie Suh

Thank you for sharing Marina.
I really am hoping it's not serious whatever is going on between Vill and Nong. Seems like Vill is trying to fall for this just happens na..don't try to force it.
and Maiko, pls do share that fanfiction you wrote. I want to read it too.
You want to read my ending, too, KimBerry? Haha, I'll let Marina share it, since I'm too lazy to go back and find it.
Kimberry<3 said:
oii everyone went to bed already? Good night and sweet dreams.
Hehe, we did. :cry1: Now it's time for you, huh? :goodnite: to you, and sweet dreams, dear!

lanblue said:
Hello, ImmaSingaholic. Sorry to bother you with such a long post, especially when you're busy with your exams.
I really love your great MVs and shared the asianfuse post link and two screenshots in the baidu NJ thread. A fan then reuploaded your NJ video (Toomtam & Vill - Ngao Jai เงาใจ MV) onto her youku channel and shared it with other NJ fans there, telling them it's an MV made by a foreign fan. She didn't notice you said in your youtube channel not to do that, so she felt sorry and would like ask for your permission. If you still don't what your MV to be shared in that way, she would remove it from her youku channel.
I suppose I need to explain a little bit about why, to share with other fans there, she would need to reupload the MV. Maybe you have known that youtube, facebook, instagram, and many other websites are blocked in China. You still see quite a few Chinese fans post pics or leave messages on instagram, for some fans can use VPNs (virtual private networks) to bypass the great firewall. I don't know if these VPNs are legal or illegal. But it means the majority of fans there wouldn't have access to videos on youtube, unless they are reuploaded onto youku or other legal channels in China. So, the point is: the fan did NOT mean to stole the MV. Hope you may kindly understand and let her know your decision. Thank you.
Aw, so that's how it is with some websites in China. :teary: Sorry about that, Lanblue! :console: :grouphug: Thanks for explaining to us. I hope ImmaSingaholic sees it and can get back to you on it. :spin:
huajaikaungtur said:
Yes, I did
Maiko! I finished NJ and I should have wrote out my thoughts when they were fresh in my mind, hahaha. It'll take me a while to write out my thoughts. But yes, I still have yet to read your detailed thoughts.
And yessss, if only NJ had your ending! Gosh, then I would have partly forgave OneHD for cutting out scenes, haha. And I'll definitely share it if she asks again...
Now, can I share your ending on here or must it be a personal message to her? Hahaha.
Okay, I'll definitely take that in mind about commenting on ToomVill photos. LOL, "learning from the masters?" Okay then. Thank you, Master Maiko for your piece of knowledge. Hehe.
Aiyaja. You're such a smart thinker! So basically I would live on IG and watch everyone move of Toomtam's on there? hehe, I like that idea. And thank you for the tips, Master Aiyaja.
Ceda. I can picture you as a good girl... but then your words are always contradicting that "good" girl image, hahaha.
Kimberry, no problem love! I love the MV so I just had to share

Oh gosh, you would also like to read Maiko's ending for NJ?
Maiko, what are you gonna say to that, huh?
Whahaha, Masters Maiko and Aiyaja? :whaha: :loool: I must say, my egotistic mind loves that very much. :woot: :ghehe: All righty, I better see posts from you!

KimBerry, Ceda, Anne, and the others have been helping out with the cause. :highfive: Come on, Marina!
Oh, by the way, Marina! I dreamed of ToomVill this morning. :woot: But, it was a depressing dream. :cry1: Er, I have already forgotten the details (grr, the sheep?!), but I just remember I dreamed of them as Rut and May, going through dangerous times in
Ngao Jai. :teary: But hey, they were together, and Rut was helping his May, keke.

Or, that's what my desperate mind wants my dream to be. I seriously can't remember all the details. :wackonut:
Agree about that Ceda. :lolyup: Which reminds me. Ceda, I'm getting back to your recent post in a separate one. :tease:
OOOOH, your friend's's absolutely BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT and MAGICAL! Detailed gushing later! :spin: I still need to gush over ImmaSingaholic's MV, too. :cry1:
As for my ending to
NJ, I say, haha, go ahead and share it with KimBerry and ImmaSingaholic in here. :woot: :grouphug: