
Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Eek! Toomtam's lovely fan club members built him a beautiful booth for The Stars' 10 Years of Love Concert! I believe the concert took place earlier today (yesterday morning in Thailand?). The fans were so creative with the booth, and what makes it extra special and sweet is that they used ToomVill's photos as displays for his booth. :blush: :wub: The photos were from their fitting for NJ, and some of them have never been seen (by me!) before! :woot: I want them all! :cry1: :spin:
Seriously hope that Exact will release more photos of NJ. :worthy: It's a sin not to share them, Exact, ESPECIALLY the ToomVill photos. :yes: :smack: They're too beautiful not to share, dang it! :rant: Toomtam's fan club members also created a few cardboards of Toomtam (just himself) and ToomVill. Golly, I so want those ToomVill cardboards and the Toomtam one as well. :heart: They cut out Vill's face for the cardboards of her with Toomtam though, so that fans can pose in Vill's "place," alongside Toomtam. Hehe, I honestly think they were so creative and did a fabulous job on the booth. :bravo: :clap: :thumbsup: The ToomVill photos were the only ones the fans picked for the display, meaning Vill was the only gal who was picked, so that makes me extremely happy. :cry: :blush: :spin: Oh, Vill was also there for the concert, too. :) One photo of her backstage. And a photo of Toomtam as well. Some photos of the lovely fans in Toomtam's booth. :grouphug: :heart:
I think they're filming NJ right now! :woot2: :yahoo: Toomtam looks smokin' hot! Gah, I've missed his facial hair! :lolyup: He looks so good, riding that motorcycle. :drool: :faint: Hah, Navin is so lucky, getting to pose with Due and Vill. Lucky :censor:!!!! Girls, don't forget Toomtam now! :eek: Hmm, wonder why Due and Vill are sporting the same hairstyle and wearing the same black dress? :scratchchin: Perhaps a case of mistaken identity or something? :woot: I say, their black dresses have gotten me thinking that they may be wearing the dresses for a funeral. :faint: Not another unnecessary death, Exact! -_- Aom, no! :lmao: Due has a lovely body, like Vill's. :thumbsup: :drools:
As for the photo of Due and Aom on the bed...hmm, perhaps a nang'rai - p'rai (Navin a.k.a. Anggoon) love scene? :pervie:
Credits: aomphiyada, dowdow7, lakornexact, namnoonnaka, navintar, patoomtam, princetamgroup, toomtamfc_maeew, ttyuttana's IGs.




Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Well, that's it for the night (for me). :yawn: Off to bed, then. :goodnite: or good day, everyone! :grouphug: :heart:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
:woot: :yahoo: :dance1: :clap: ............. Need I say more?... YES! :shutup: Aw, any ToomVill photo is a blessing, especially since most of our NJ crew members have stopped updating... :cry1: I'm positive the ToomVill photo is from one of their previous filming periods, but it's always exciting to see new photos of them emerge. :wub: :clap2: No matter how blurry. :cry: Vill looks so dead tired in the second picture. :yawn: Toomtam looks delicious in the second photo! :yummy: Love his outfit and hairstyle! Oh, Roothon, you're so dreamy with your facial hair and messy hairstyle. :drools:
Credits: katesonthichai & lakornexact's IGs; katesontichai's Twitter.



Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
I've got to head out for a long day at work now. :cry1: :tearybye: I won't be expecting much, but it sure would be nice if we get more updates by the time I get home. :dance1: Bye! Have a great day, everyone! :grouphug: :heart:


- Marina ♥
Maiko, you're tired today? Awe, are you feeling better now? Hope you are  :kiss: 
I understand you -- babysitting is super tiring. I know for a fact since I'm the oldest child in the family (meaning I'm always babysitting my brothers & sisters). I'm out of shape, too, Maiko. No worries :teary: I need to work out.
Yeah, Exact usually makes their rais die ... but I'm not too sure since I've been watching Leh Nangfah & it's not a typical Exact lakorn (where rais are heartless & people die) so maybe, NJ will be more of a light lakorn like LN? Not too sure though.
Agree with you, girl. Exact needs to share more photos. The more, the better!
Maiko, I have never seen most of the photos of ToomVill for the booth, too ... whaaat?  :eyetwitch: 
That big photo of them on the booth photo is awesome! :blush: I want it!! Their facial expressions :wub: I'm loving the cardboards, too. I would love one of Toomtam -- I'd just bring it around everywhere I go, LOL. Just kidding. So cute how people can put their heads into Vill's cardboard & be with Toomtam :D Thanks so much for the photos, Maiko! Love them! :heart: 
ToomVill is looking beautiful like always. Vill's truly a beauty & Toomtam's so handsome. Dream couple!~

cool :)

sarNie Adult
Ohhhhh what do we have here .. :pervie: thanks maiko for sharing all those lovely photos. I agree, it doesn't hurt for them to share some NJ pics. But If they did, giiirl we will be going cray cray for spazzing too much though hahaha. I wonder if we'll get a lot of heated scenes from our main cast in here huh? Hopefully though! Because that's what Toomtam's good at... :loool:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
huajaikaungtur said:
Maiko, you're tired today? Awe, are you feeling better now? Hope you are  :kiss: 
I understand you -- babysitting is super tiring. I know for a fact since I'm the oldest child in the family (meaning I'm always babysitting my brothers & sisters). I'm out of shape, too, Maiko. No worries :teary: I need to work out.
Yeah, Exact usually makes their rais die ... but I'm not too sure since I've been watching Leh Nangfah & it's not a typical Exact lakorn (where rais are heartless & people die) so maybe, NJ will be more of a light lakorn like LN? Not too sure though.
Agree with you, girl. Exact needs to share more photos. The more, the better!
Maiko, I have never seen most of the photos of ToomVill for the booth, too ... whaaat?  :eyetwitch: 
That big photo of them on the booth photo is awesome! :blush: I want it!! Their facial expressions :wub: I'm loving the cardboards, too. I would love one of Toomtam -- I'd just bring it around everywhere I go, LOL. Just kidding. So cute how people can put their heads into Vill's cardboard & be with Toomtam :D Thanks so much for the photos, Maiko! Love them! :heart: 
ToomVill is looking beautiful like always. Vill's truly a beauty & Toomtam's so handsome. Dream couple!~
Hehe, Marina, the tiredness was like two days ago! :whahuh: I'm not feeling too tired today. But awie, thank you so much for your concern, dearest! :cry: :kiss3: :grouphug: The heat in California is another reason why I felt so drained that day. Plus, lack of nutrients. I'm eating better though, yay. :yummy: Wowie, I didn't know you're the oldest child, like me, Marina! :eek: Cool! :highfive: Aw, your younger siblings must look up to you, despite you guys not seeing eye to eye. :bhehe: So you watch over them, huh? Such a super older sis! :thumbsup: Oh, I guess we're both out of shape. :console:
Aom did say that NJ will contain both comical and dramatic elements, so I'm looking forward to how they'll pull it off! :woot: Let there be enough romance! :spin: I know, right! I was so pleasantly shocked when I saw the photos. I started tearing up; seriously have been missing them too much. :cry1: This proves that there are even more photos of them out there, if only Exact or other people would share them with us! :spin: Their fitting photos are too precious. The big photo (the one of them staring into each other's eyes, with Toomtam touching her hair while Vill's chucking him on his chin) is too freakin' adorable and heart-racing! :blush: Golly, the ToomVill photos and cardboards... We want it, we need it! :ghehe:
I love your idea regarding what you'll be doing with your Toomtam cardboard! :lmao2: Aw, you're welcome for the photos, Marina! :kiss: They are a dreamy couple... :drool: :thumbsup:
cool :) said:
Ohhhhh what do we have here .. :pervie: thanks maiko for sharing all those lovely photos. I agree, it doesn't hurt for them to share some NJ pics. But If they did, giiirl we will be going cray cray for spazzing too much though hahaha. I wonder if we'll get a lot of heated scenes from our main cast in here huh? Hopefully though! Because that's what Toomtam's good at... :loool:
Cool! Where have you been?! :faint: I've been missing you and the others! :spin: :cry1: I'm so happy to hear from you again! :clap: :dance1: Hey, too much spazzing is better than none! If Exact wants us to support Channel 5 and watch its lakorns, shoot, the staff members need to make it worth our spazzing and craziness! :rolleyes: :smack:
Yes, hopefully, we'll still get to see the legendary Toomtam/Vill/ToomVill spicy scenes in here. :pervie: We better! :weee:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Boy, the NJ team sure is a quiet bunch. -_- Get people excited about the lakorn! :smack: Promote the lakorn! Thank goodness for the members who are sharing updates! :thumbsup: :clap: Photos from newest to oldest. :D I'm probably going to sleep after this. :goodnite: or good day, everyone! :grouphug: :heart:
Credits: chanya_16, lakornexact, marowmolecule, torry_lilitham's IGs.

Note: Er, NJ was captioned for this photo of Aom...wonder if it's directly related to the lakorn? :scratchchin: Aom looks beautiful with the red lipstick, but she's stunning without it nevertheless. :wub:


cool :)

sarNie Adult
Hi Maiko :rockon:  That top photo of Aom doesn't even look like her :scratchhead2:  maybe it's just me 555 


sarNie Adult
@Maiko I was on Instagram & spazzing over a pic from NJ that Aom posted & the first thing that came to mind was "Has Maiko has seen this yet?" As to my surprise I think I saw a comment you posted there.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
cool :) said:
Hi Maiko :rockon:  That top photo of Aom doesn't even look like her :scratchhead2:  maybe it's just me 555 
Yay, you're in here with me, Cool girl! :woot: :yahoo: Sadly, I have to leave for work in a few minutes. :lmao: Hehe, I'm confused, too. It looks like Aom to me, and her IG account was captioned for the photo, but then again, like you said, it doesn't really look like her. :lol2: Plus, they didn't tag her in the photo. So now, I don't know. Doubt is creeping in. :loool: I'll check out photos of her nose from the side profile when I come back, just to check if it's really her or not. :sweat:
SokLaHote said:
@Maiko I was on Instagram & spazzing over a pic from NJ that Aom posted & the first thing that came to mind was "Has Maiko has seen this yet?" As to my surprise I think I saw a comment you posted there.
Eek, SokLaHote! :woot2: I'm so happy to hear from you again! :spin: :yahoo: :clap: :grouphug: :blush: :cry1: Oh, really? Which NJ photo is that? Is it the one of ToomVill on the bed? :pervie: :rofl: Or a different photo? A ToomVill photo is the only kind that would truly hype me up. :loool: Aw, so sweet of you to think of me! :cry: :blush: I'll definitely think of you, Cool, and the others while I'm hard at work! :yes: :grouphug:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
I must leave for work now. :cry1: Bye, dear Cool and SokLaHote (and others)! :tearybye: I hope to hear from you again after I get home from work, SokLaHote! :dance1: :spin: You guys have a wonderful day now! I already am, because of you guys! :grouphug: :heart:


sarNie OldFart
Aom is absolutely beautiful. Does this woman ever age?!? I love how she's so cute and petite. She's natural beauty but when she gets dolled up, she transforms into a completely different person. The picture above is very stunning and proves that she can have sex appeal. I hope she continues being n'ek and star with some of my favorites. I'd love for her to reunite with Tik. 
And woah! Are those life size posters of Toomtam and Vill? Can I have the one with Toomtam and take it home? Haha.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
I'm so happy to come home to you guys! :woot: :grouphug: :heart:
Mahalo said:
Aom is absolutely beautiful. Does this woman ever age?!? I love how she's so cute and petite. She's natural beauty but when she gets dolled up, she transforms into a completely different person. The picture above is very stunning and proves that she can have sex appeal. I hope she continues being n'ek and star with some of my favorites. I'd love for her to reunite with Tik. 
And woah! Are those life size posters of Toomtam and Vill? Can I have the one with Toomtam and take it home? Haha.
Er, so, that looks like Aom in the photo for you, too, Mahalo? Or are you just taking my word for it that it's her? :lolyup: I need more confirmation; I'm such a terrible fan! Yes, I agree; Aom looks different with a lot of makeup on. She looks beautiful either way. :thumbsup: Eek! Oh, who would you like to see her with? I've always wanted to see her with Chakrit. :blush: Aom definitely can still pull off nang'ek roles. :yes: SHOOT! A Tik - Aom reunion would be heavenly!!!! :cry1: :worthy:
Hehe, yep, the cardboards of Toomtam and Vill are life-size. I'd love to have all the cardboards if I could. :spin:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Er, no updates for the night... :cry1: Too bad. Well, have a :goodnite: or good day, guys! :grouphug: :heart:


sarNie OldFart
Maiko^_^ said:
I'm so happy to come home to you guys! :woot: :grouphug: :heart:
Er, so, that looks like Aom in the photo for you, too, Mahalo? Or are you just taking my word for it that it's her? :lolyup: I need more confirmation; I'm such a terrible fan! Yes, I agree; Aom looks different with a lot of makeup on. She looks beautiful either way. :thumbsup: Eek! Oh, who would you like to see her with? I've always wanted to see her with Chakrit. :blush: Aom definitely can still pull off nang'ek roles. :yes: SHOOT! A Tik - Aom reunion would be heavenly!!!! :cry1: :worthy:
Hehe, yep, the cardboards of Toomtam and Vill are life-size. I'd love to have all the cardboards if I could. :spin:
I like Chakrit also! I don't mind whom she pairs up with as long as they're one of my favorites. Sadly, they're all at the peak of their careers so new pairings as leads will be difficult for them. And yes, I am convinced that's her. Haha. It's so obvious Maiko. Those plump lips and round eyes are totally Aom's. 


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Mahalo said:
I like Chakrit also! I don't mind whom she pairs up with as long as they're one of my favorites. Sadly, they're all at the peak of their careers so new pairings as leads will be difficult for them. And yes, I am convinced that's her. Haha. It's so obvious Maiko. Those plump lips and round eyes are totally Aom's. 
How I dearly wish that Chakrit (well, he spells his name as Shahkrit or something) and Aom had the chance to act alongside each other when Krit was still at his best... He isn't aging as well as Aom and Anne, sadly. :no: Oh, thanks for the confirmation. :phew: Now, I can rest assured that it's Aom for realz. :lol2:
Cool: Ok, Cool. Mahahlo has confirmed it to be Aom in the photo. :thumbup: :wink:


sarNie OldFart
Yeahh. Chakrit isn't aging very well. I think if he cuts his hair a bit shorter instead of leaving it long and slit back it'd make him appear a tad bit younger. His long hair isn't shaping his face well and makes him look more like a middle aged mafia man. He can't pull off the comb over like Justin Timberlake or Robin Thicke anymore.  
As for Aom, here's proof:
CR: Aom's AF Wiki page

Her recent picture vs. a picture of her from a decade ago. She's a timeless beauty!


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Mahalo said:
Yeahh. Chakrit isn't aging very well. I think if he cuts his hair a bit shorter instead of leaving it long and slit back it'd make him appear a tad bit younger. His long hair isn't shaping his face well and makes him look more like a middle aged mafia man. He can't pull off the comb over like Justin Timberlake or Robin Thicke anymore.  
As for Aom, here's proof:
CR: Aom's AF Wiki page
Her recent picture vs. a picture of her from a decade ago. She's a timeless beauty!
Agree about Krit! He definitely should cut his hair. Not that I want him completely bald, but he looks his best with a clean-cut haircut.
Thanks for the photos as proof! :lol2: You can tell Aom has aged, but she looks amazing for her age. :thumbsup: Aom has always been one of my favorite magazine models. :D Timeless beauty indeed, Mahalo! :clap:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Aom has her upcoming drama that she's working on (Banlang Mek/Bunglung Mek), so I hope this means we'll get to see NJ soon! Hopefully, they don't rush the production for NJ. :worthy: