aiyaja said:
Toomtam and Vill have awesome chemistry onscreen because they can lose themselves in their characters. Perhaps that initial attraction from Toomtam to Vill makes it easier for him to channel out his passionate emotions. However, Toomtam is a very loyal boyfriend and you can totally see, like he said, he respects women, so he's both faithful and keeps his distance from Vill in real life so he doesn't complicate her life either.
The past is the past. Toomtam may initially have crushed or thought Vill was very pretty when he first met her, but that was before he had a solid girlfriend. It was still cute that he had enough courage to tell her though when she was already a big star then and he was just starting, it could have came out creepy. Hahah. There were no cameras, no reporters, so he didn't need to make such a compliment or even try to talk to her but he must have felt like he wanted to for whatever reason that may be. I also don't think Toomtam is the cheating or flirtatious type, so I don't know or don't think he goes around throwing you're pretty compliments around to every girl he sees in private. The fact that he approached Vill and said that will always be a very sweet memory and who knows, if Vill hadn't reacted so silly, who knows what would have happened. Vill sort of dissed him in front of everyone, not on purpose though. Vill is a super playful person, so like she said, she was flattered when Toomtam told her that and shared it with her friends but it may have made Toomtam's face shatter. Hahah. Oh well, fate is just meant a certain way. I'm just glad to know how they met and now after two lakorns together, they've grown up so much!
Anyway, the radio show at Haat YaI is posted into YouTube. I'm watching it right now and I'll translate any cute moments. Hahahah!
Aw...yes, their first meeting will always be a sweet memory. :wub: :cry:
aiyaja said:
Haha! I watched both segments of the radio show, I have to say, Toomtam is really in a good mood. He's so relaxed and was joking with Vill and the hosts the whole time.
The majority of the show was just introducing the storyline of Ngao Jai and how they felt about acting in there, same old questions and information but with a little more humor from Toomtam. Hahah. Vill was actually pretty quiet, which was a bit odd. She wasn't as hyper as usual. Lol
So he was! :coverlaf: So much that he wanted Vill to sing Ab Normal's song with him. :lolyup: Hmm, Vill was rather quiet, but then she seemed more interactive in the later show(s) and events?
MaIKO..Thank You for your welcoming. Yes, I will read and follow the rules carefully. HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY AT YOUR WORK! AIYAJA@ Can you please share the link of the radio show...PLEASE
You're welcome, and thanks for following the rules! Really appreciate it. :thanks: Work was great, thank you! :grouphug:
aiyaja said:
Um, a few things said during the radio show....
Toomtam said he's interested in working behind the scenes right now like producing, so producing music and stuff. I know that it has always been an interest of Toomtam's to be part of the BTS crew but I think it's a bit early in his career? There were rumors that indicated Toomtam was a bit sad that GMM/Exact has not been promoting him as much, so he's transitioning to fade into the background. I've heard Toomtam share this 3 times now, so if his role in the BTS takes off, we may not see him onscreen as much or if ever. They usually disappear whenever this happens, so this makes Ngao Jai even that much more special. Toomtam did mention a new lakorn was in the talks before Ngao Jai aired, but if nothing has been confirmed, then we really can't anticipate it much.
Toomtam was just overall very excited to be promoting Ngao Jai. I think he's especially very proud of himself in here in terms of acting, the production crew, and storyline. He really enjoyed challenging himself in taking on two roles in which Vill said, it's more like 3 because he has to act as Watit, Rut, and then Rut as Watit. :crush: I've seen Toomtam being pretty excited about SSP and KNK too, but he seems exceptionally into Ngao Jai. That's great news for us. Oh, he has been watching all of the episodes. :woot:
Toomtam was like, coming here for the radio show with Vill and Can was a hard thing to do because of their schedules. He then turned over to Vill and said, Khun Wannarot here is so busy, she has no free time at all and when she does, she goes out to eat this and that. :bhehe: I guess, Vill is pretty busy filming her lakorns. I thought it was more of Toomtam not having any free time since he's always out and about doing events and stuff.
It was so funny when the female host asked Toomtam what genre he wants to play next, Toomtam said, action. Where he doesn't even talk, he just punches. Vill's automatic reaction was like, then count me out. :coverlaf: What Vill? So you foresee a third collaboration? :spin: :loool: Nah, just joking. Vill said she can do action mixed with romantic comedy, but if it's straight action where the pra'ake has to drag the nang'ake around, she's opting out. :coverlaf:
This makes me both happy and sad for Toomtam. Ohhhh, Toomtam. :weep: :wub: :kiss2: :heart: I would go into greater details about it, but I'm tired.

I'm just so proud of both him and Vill. Despite the lack of promotion from Exact. -_- Hehe, remembering all those times in which he was helping out the crew BTS, it just brings a smile to my face. How sweet that he's been watching all of the episodes with us. :cry:
Yeah, Toomtam, Vill, and Can all have busy schedules, thus I'm so grateful and happy we were given this wonderful opportunity to see them together and promote
NJ and OneHD. :spin: I'm glad they all made it. All the parts about ToomVill make me so giddy. :woot: :yahoo: Ah, too freakin' sweet that he was joking with her and everybody else. Hahaha! The part about Toomtam wanting to try out the action genre and Vill's reaction to that...

& :ghehe:!!!! Hopefully, a third collaboration for them of any genre!

A Love to Kill seems like heavy action/drama. T'tch, since Vill took on that lakorn, she could handle the same thing with Toomtam!) She may not like it, but we will if Toomtam drags her all over the place! :wub:
Aiyaja, for all the tidbits. :flowers:

Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Wow, I swear I can't miss a day or half a day else there would be pages of novellas to read in this thread lol.
Vill looks so young and fresh with Toomtam.
Yes, this thread moves quickly! Especially with me in here all day, with "nothing" to do.
Aw, she does look like that when she's with him. She doesn't need all the extra makeup.
aiyaja said:
Haha! Too much emotions at once thus the long responses.
Yeah, too much...we can get really crazy! :crazy: :weee: :highfive: :lolyup:
amylovemeng1 said:
Just finish watching episode 7&8 last night. I loved the scene where May was checking out Rut's eyes and he pulled her closer makes my heart skip a beat. And of course every other scenes of ToomVill lol. I agreed with you guys Toomtam must feel some kind of attraction toward Vill to be able to look at with so much love/feels in his eyes. Wonder if he looks at his gf the same way?
Toomtam wants to do action? The fight scene between rut and chard was pretty much laughable. So if he decide to do action hopefully he gets a better director lol. I really want to see a remake of Jet Li "Bodyguard from Beijing" but in lakorn form with lots of sweets scene between Pranang. Toomtam and Vill will be the perfect cast.
Eek, I freakin' love that scene, Amy!!!! :woot: I feel EXACTLY the same way about that scene and all their scenes. :wub: I even made GIFS of it to prove my points: he was so lost in her eyes in that moment. :spin: :blush: All the tiny reactions he had was absolutely delicious! Ohhhh, how I wish Toomtam was single... :cry: Hehe, all their scenes make me so giddy and crazy.
As for the part about Toomtam in action, :lmao2: & :lmao3:!!!!!! Aw, I thought the fight scene between Rut and Chard was decent. :bhehe: Eek, ToomVill would be so perfect for a lakorn version of Jet Li's
Bodyguard from Beijing, but that would kill me if they don't get each other. :cry1: They should modify it so that ToomVill end up together.
Kimberry<3 said:
Vill did say that to some extent they have to open their hearts to each other and know the other person so as to convey the emotions of their characters well.
I will never forget that sweet memory of their first meeting. :woot2:

Thank you again
Awww :cry: Don't disappear BTS Toomtam, not yet. We need you onscreen. It's one of the downside of ET, not everybody gets the opportunity they deserve no matter how talented they are. NJ really is special if he's planning on staying off cam :cry:
How does he know what Vill does on her free time? :scratchhead2: Just kidding, that was hilarious. :woot:

And lastly, I'm so up for a third collaboration, but this time an original script. But I'll take what I can get, I just love to see them together again, and soon. Thank you
Maiko, thank you so much for all the photos and updates.

Vill has been pretty quiet lately..I hope she'll get back to her hyper self. :yes: :heart: Maybe she's just too busy.
Me, too, me, too,
KimBerry! I will forever remember the memory of their first meeting. :heart: I don't want Toomtam to disappear, either. Please come back to collaborate with your Vill, Toomtam. :worthy: I'd love an original script for them as well, but you're right; we'll take whatever we get, because we love them in whatever they're going to be in. :wub: :highfive:
Aw, you're welcome for the photos and updates. :kiss3: :grouphug: Poor Vill and Toomtam are both working so hard these days...always so busy. I hope they get plenty of rest and sleep! Su su, ToomVill! :strong:

aiyaja said:
Okay! Sorry...never mind. Hahahah!
aiyaja said:
I just typed up the ending of Ngao Jai and was going to post it onto here but the HIDE buttons or options aren't working, so I had to edit my post until I figure it out.
I was wondering what the first post was about (I did assume you edited it). :whahuh: Hehe, too cute,
Aah, no, Asianfuse doesn't have that HIDE option like Spicy... :no:
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Oh lol. Man when this and Banrajun ends, my mondays and Tuesday is going to suck.
I'm going to miss ToomVill and
Ngao Jai so, so, so, so much...but, a small part of me will be glad to have my boring life back. :cry: I do miss spending time with my family.