aiyaja said:
Awe, thanks ja Maiko. I'll still be here perhaps not as active as now because I'm at work right now just typing away here. Hehe. If ToomVill come back together again, I'll always make time and room in my life for them. They are so precious to me.
Yeah, it's a lot of work for all of us here posting back and forth especially you ja, Maiko. You're always updating this thread with goodies and always never miss a chance to show your support in social medias! I love you for that, all of your efforts and hard work, passion, and sunshine you gives us. You always reply to everyone on here. That's soooo sweet. Hehe. Maybe I'll treat you out on a Thailand trip soon or someday. Then we can both say hello to ToomVill. Haha.
You're welcome, Aiyaja. :cry:

I want them to, not just for my sake, but for you and others' so that we can reconnect all over again and fall in love all over again. :grouphug:
Wha, actually, I've missed a lot of chances to show my support in other social medias. :weep: I try to do a lot of things at once, but I always get distracted and end up forgetting about them until later. :blush: Haha, I try to reply to everyone and the posts, but it's out of my control at times, especially when I have work, and I don't get the lucky opportunity of being on this thread 24/7. The thread moves too fast for me sometimes! :lol2: But even though I missed out on replying to all the posts, at least I don't miss out on you guys in here! :grouphug: Aw...thanks for your loving words, Aiyaja! :blush: :cry: :wub: And say what?! Maybe?!!!! Maybe you'll treat me to a Thailand trip?!!!!!! Hahahaha, that is so awesome! Even though it may never happen, aw, just the thought of you and me in Thailand together brings a smile to my face and sunshine and warmth to my heart! :heart: :woot: :toast: Hehe, YES! Then we can say hello to ToomVill and ask them all the questions we want! It would be even better if by that time, they're up for a third collaboration. :ghehe: I'm so happy and giddy over the idea!

:kiss3: :grouphug:
Ok, ladies, don't feel jealous that Aiyaja and I are coming up plans just for the two of us. :ghehe: Three's a crowd! Hehe, just kidding; I think it would be fantastic and epic if we can all go to Thailand just to hang out together and stalk ToomVill and the other celebrities. :grouphug:
huajaikaungtur said:
Yes, we need to brace ourselves! And I'll definitely be joining you,
Maiko even when this lakorn is moved to the Old Lakorn section (just thinking about this thread being moved pains me, ahhh)
I was missing SSP so much earlier that I went back to looking through the thread. Ah, those fresh ToomVill feels we had in that thread <333
Babysitting? Awwww, sounds sweet but yes, you and the other girls definitely kept this thread alive!

YESSS, my bum day tomorrow. How do you remember my bum days and still manage to keep up with NJ and this thread, Maiko? Gosh, you're such a sweetheart
AAH, Marina! Wait for me in
SSP's thread, girlie! I'll be there shortly! :weee: :woot: And ooh, all right! Nice that you'll still be joining me in here even after I moved it to the Old Lakorn section. :highfive:
Yep, babysitting. I had fun, but I selfishly wanted to be on this thread without any necessary distractions. :spin: Gah, I'm so mean, but let me have my ToomVill/
NJ/Asianfuse buddies time while it last! :numchuck: Haha, we were just talking about it yesterday, so that's how I remember you have Thursdays, I make it my point to remember.

Some things you just don't forget.
aiyaja said:
Haha, Vill just comes with buzz. Lol
Well, Vill actually generates good chemistry with all of her costars.
Aw, both good and bad buzz. Thank goodness for the good buzz!

Yes, I agree, Aiyaja, that she does generate good chemistry with all of her costars. :blush:
Bie, Son, Push, Toomtam...I love them pair up with Vill..Now I'm waiting for Vill and Kangsom
Vill and Kangsom could happen. :bhehe:
huajaikaungtur said:
Haha, Vill definitely comes with a buzz

That girl <333
I gotta admit I wasn't such a big fan of Vill at first, not even during the SSP phase but as of right now, I am falling for this girl hardcore.
She is such an amazingly talented woman.
Wha? Really? Hehe, it's ok! :console: I know you admire and like her after all.
