huajaikaungtur said:
Maiko! Get to sleep soon ....or you're probably already asleep! Goodnight deary!~

I'll still be up for a while even though it's 2 am now. I just can't fall asleep, NJ's got me rolling here

Agree, young love especially! I'm liking how Mai and Rin's relationhip has bumps though! I enjoy their scenes
But Ruth and May is where the party's at. I am surprised I'm not bothered by Vill's comedic character here. I find that she's doing a great job and she's super cute. Ah, they are just too amazing together. Yes, Maiko! You described that hair drying scene so beautifully. I am in love with all their scenes. Just saw the scene where he was caring for her and cradling her in his arms, awww aww awww.
My sister happens to be a big Guy fan so whenever I tell her Guy will never come back to being pa'ek due to his daddy duties, she gets so mad at me, haha. I'm just joking though! I would like to see Guy take on another pa'ek role but he seems to be sticking to supporting for now.
Awww, it's fine Maiko! No worries

Not your fault at all! An thank you so much for letting me know now! Thank you to Lanblue for letting us know

Ohh, Google, eh? I was thinking of relying on youtube, hahaha.
...I'm still here. :teary: Can't stay away from this thread! The mind is strong, but the heart is weak! :lolyup: But, I will go to sleep in about 15 minutes. :bhehe: For sure.
I'm biased. I'm enjoying Vill's comical acting so much, because she just shines so brightly with Toomtam! :wub: All their funny scenes crack me up! They're surprisingly delightful in comedy together! :bravo: Oh, my, you think I described that hair-drying scene perfectly? Why, thank you. :blush: The scene of Rut caring for a sick May is hecka sweet! :spin:
Gah, sadly, I think Mr. Guy will continue to receive the supporting role only. :weep: But it's ok! He's good with whichever role he gets! :strong: Hehe, so cute and funny (and evil :smack

how you tease your sister about poor Guy.
You know what, Marina? I was right. Yesterday, you did mention about Thursdays being your free day...right on
page 326. :whatever: You owed me an apology! :tease: Haha, just kidding. :console: I'm bad at remembering things these days myself. :blush: Hehe, I couldn't resist going back a few pages for my own sanity to see if I was remembering things right or not.
aiyaja said:
Maybe Vill does sing on Sister Day? The hubby is holding the mic for his wifey! Hahah.
Dang, now I sort of want Toomtam in A Love To Kill with Vill. It's a drama revenge plus, have you guys seen the BTS?! If not, take a look in that thread. Omg! New is soooo lucky! I think Vill looks soooo gorgeous in there. She's dressed so elegantly and high end due to her celebrity character in there. I've only seen Vill look this good for magazine photo shoots but for a drama? Aahhhh! Just sort of got me excited for that lakorn. Even if it flops at least Vill looked good! Hahah.
Eek! Hubby and wifey?!!!! Haha, that's so cute! That part made me giddy! :woot: :wub:
Aw, you kind of want Toomtam in
A Love to Kill with Vill?! :spin: Hehe, that would be awesome if he was, but I'm holding hope for an even better storyline for their third collaboration. :dude: Gah, you're right, Aiyaja! Vill does look super gorgeous and elegant from the fitting! :cry1: Jealous for Toomtam's sakes! :girlmad: Shoot, if only they would release more of their fitting photos!
huajaikaungtur said:
I hope Vill does sing! Would love for the hubby and wifey to sing together, hahaha.
And I was hoping for Toomtam to in ALTK, too but I'm okay with New and Vill.
Toomtam would have been awesome as Rain's character. I can imagine his sexy vengeful eyes, hahaha.
And Vill does look super nice, oh gosh. Looks like it'll be a sophisticated kind of lakorn.
Ooh, sexy vengeful eyes, huh? Our Toomtam is a pro at those killer expressions! Especially when they're directed at his little wife, Vill! :ghehe: I'm not that excited for New and Vill, but I'll definitely give them a chance.

almost like what I said for Toomtam and Vill at the very beginning of
SSP. :bhehe: But in ToomVill's case, I was very excited for them. :lolyup
aiyaja said:
But you know New looks really good, soooo good and fresh lately. He fits the role too. I can feel the angst just from the fitting. Is it just me or does Vill look like a completely different person every time they do different makeup on her and hair and clothes plus her acting too? Gosh! Vill looked so different in ALTK. So gorgeous. Haha. Of course! Duh! Gan and Nee right? And they were in the same lakorn. Vill looks so different yet the only difference between Gan and Nee physically was the lipstick and hairstyle. Lol
Well, I'm just happy that today is Thursday, soon it'll be the weekend and then we'll finally watch and enjoy the last show segment of our lovely ToomVill. Hehe.
Oh, Aiyaja, you're not only one who thinks that way about Vill. Haha, my sister and sister-in-law think the same, too. Gah, I'm excited to see more of Vill (and even New) in
A Love to Kill!
Yes, it'll be the weekend soon... Gah, the last show segment of them! :spin: Hope it doesn't disappoint! :worthy: Because it will be a while before we see them together again... :cry1:
huajaikaungtur said:
Aiyaja, I know right, just saw the video you posted & oh gosh, New be looking too fine lately, too.
All these good looking men, I tell ya haha.
New's an amazing actor himself so I'm glad to see him finally take on a pa'ek role.
Vill does look super different but it's a good different! When you said she dressed so elegantly, I wasn't expecting much of a change just nicer clothes and all but wow. She's got a whole new & different vibe. She is so pretty, woman crush for real haha.
Can't stop watching the clip for her scenes... she is absolutely stunning <333
And yaaay, just barely catching up on NJ! Can't wait for the upcoming episodes!
Haha, I've got a woman crush on her, too, Marina. Yay, you're almost there! At least you're having a blast, watching
Ngao Jai!!!