Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Oooo they're promoting a lot, well not enough for us but a lot though. Glad that channel One is producing more shows to promote their lakorns.
Yes, a lot, but not enough for us! :spin: MORE!
ceda_lee said:
I know! I don't think I've ever seen them in this many shows. Not that I'm complaining though. I'm loving it.
I'm not complaining, either! Except...we need MORE
Ngao Jai and ToomVill promotions!
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
I wished I was here with you guys during SSP, man I have so much to say. Often times I want to throw my pillows at the tv at Toomtam, other times I just want to choke Gandawasee. Then I blush and cheese during their sweet scenes. I also want to applaud Vill when she's Gandamanee.
I need that from NJ!!!! I need the heartbreaking, heart thumping, pillow pinching scenes! LOTS AND LOTS OF IT!!!
Aw, I wish you were, too!!!! :grouphug: Haha! That would have been even more fun! Hey, it's not too late.

I still visit
SSP's thread every now and then. :wub:
Yep, we want the same things from
Ngao Jai. I'm happy with what we have gotten, but still, I want more! (There's that word again. :smack
aiyaja said:
We'll all go someday, perhaps their third collaboration? If it happens, I'm really doing it. :woot2: Pood jing jing na. (Seriously speaking na.)
Hahah, yeah. Reporters asked Vill if she and Nong were dating because seems like the both of them are flirting online and constantly posting up sweet photos which correlate to each other's, which Vill did during that time and Vill was like, well, Nong is a funny guy. If we didn't have anything in common at all, we wouldn't be talking or friends. (Sorry, but Nong is not funny at all, so I seriously don't know what Vill considers as funny. Sorry to say, as serious as Son Yuke is, even he is funnier than Nong. :whahuh: ) I keep mentioning Boy, but Boy is one hecka funny and fan service guy. If you find me the tweets, I'll translate them for you again na. I usually only pay attention to Vill's IG, but lately, Vill has been more active on Twitter. Perhaps Nong? Ugh. Oh well. :whahuh: :teary:
Oh yeah, these promotions were way more than what we got for SSP, so I'm pretty happy but the only 3 main complaints I have so far with everything is 1. All of the cut scenes in the lakorn. 2. This should have been a real slap kiss drama. 3. How bland the questions are in each talk show. I mean, they keep asking the same questions over and over again. Like dude, we know this already! :wackonut:
And for Sister Day, couldn't they have Toomtam and Vill really sing for a few mintues and then have Vill switch over to play the piano? I want to hear them sing like how Ch. 3 does their koojin stages. :girlmad:
I love that first idea really much, Aiyaja. :grouphug:

:heart: I'm serious, too. :blush:
Agree with all three of your complaints! Shoot, I know there are a lot of questions I got for ToomVill! :numchuck: :shutup: Questions that will really make them uncomfortable! Agree about their segment for Sister Day as well! :cry1:
preetam said:
Finally I have checked episode 12 and like Aiyaja said it was a very sweet episode centered on Rut and May accepting to be a couple after hardhips and we got some Goon plotting scenes. The thing is I feel sad that NJ has only 3 episodes left when we know that it won't be enough to wrap everything and this type of drama deserves more than 15 episodes. I see the editing getting worse because of scene being cut left right center and I don't want taht for ToomVill whose pair is shining here...

. Also I wanted to add about episode 12 that I think Rut and May have done it behind the waterfall just they did not show us. I will miss them definitly
Hehe, at least you enjoyed episode 12, Preetam. Gah, we can only rely on our imagination now, for Rut and May's love scene(s) and other deleted scenes. :teary: I'll miss them, too. :weep:
aiyaja said:
^Hahah, they did it behind the waterfall. :woot:
Yeah, the editing is pretty bad considering that they cut right in the middle of the drunk kiss. Like what happened? Was it an 18+ scene afterwards? Hahahah. It was funny because I didn't even notice it but my sister was like, dude, Vill, your hands almost touched Toomtam's you know. :secret: When May blacked out after the kiss and he had to scoop her up.

Such a delicious idea! Of them doing it behind the waterfall. :drool:
Aah, your sister is right about Vill's hand almost touching Toomtam's...ahem. :blush:
ceda_lee said:
:lmao3: ^^ Oh the things we notice and pay attention to.
ceda_lee said:
Oh man...SSP was a roller coaster for us. Most of us ToomVill lovers can still talk about it today like it was just yesterday.
Heck yes! :grouphug: :lolyup: Going back to reread the comments and posts in there, I still crack up and spazz over them all! :wub:
aiyaja said:
Hahah. Toomtam's hands are always all over Vill's upper area, what is he? On second base? Lol
:whahuh: :rofl: Oh, what an exciting thought! :woot:
huajaikaungtur said:
Maiko: Haha, you're such a late sleeper

And yes, that's what they said! I do surprise myself quite often with how much Thai I can understand. But thank you, Maiko! Haha and yes, I have to keep being mean to her -- she deserves it!
Yes, I gotcha. ToomVill is where the party's at!
Ohh, I understand you about the self-aware scenes. Wish there was more of those, too.
Like thinking scenes of them where they think about the other or something would be nice, too!
Aw, just thinking about those scenes being cut out makes me sad
Kimberry: You're so cuuuute, hehe

And yes, please do continue joining us on the NJ thread even after NJ since it'll be even more fun with youuu

Haha yes! I am so for the idea of going to Thailand with all you girls

You're so sweet!
Ceda, you're sick!? Awwies, nooo! Hope you feel better soon and get a quick recovery!~
Hopefully your lakorns, NJ and this thread will make you feel better!
Gah, I am a late sleeper. :cry1: It's affecting my performance at work. :smack: I felt so tired and sleepy today at work; it was awful! But for this beautiful and wonderful time with you guys and ToomVill, it's worth it. :blush: :wub: :cry:
Anyway, aw, you're welcome, Marina!

Ooh, I love those types of self-aware scenes you mentioned.

We're all hurting over all their shortened and deleted scenes. :console:
I :heart: both your responses to KimBerry and Ceda. :grouphug:
huajaikaungtur said:
ToomVill is just touching each other all over the place, gosh these two -- can't help themselves.
This isn't even a OneHD 18+ lakorn like SNN hahaha.
Oh, boy, I wish ToomVill could be in a OneHD 18+ lakorn! :woot: :drool: :spicy: :faint: And yes, they just can't keep their hands to themselves; it's natural instinct!
amylovemeng1 said:
Since you guys mention ALTK I went over to that thread and I was surprise New and Vill looks very good together. My heart is crying for ToomVill *sniff* so jealous for Toomtam. Vill look so gorgeous maybe if she look less beautiful I wouldn't be so sad.
Wha? :cry1: I must be the only one who don't find New and Vill looking good together. :whatever: :nono1: They're just ok together. Individually, New's decent and Vill's gorgeous, but together...hmm as of right now...aah, never mind! :shutup: Yes, I'm so jealous for Toomtam, too. :weep: But I don't care! Even when they aren't glammed up or anything, ToomVill still look freakin' beautiful and perfect to me! :dude:
aiyaja said:
Hahahah! We're all jealous for Toomtam.
I know I am... :cry: :teary: Hahaha, I really don't care too much about it, but I would love to see them all glamorous and elegant in evening wear for their third lakorn. :spin: :wub:
ceda_lee said:
Who knows? He might have hit home run already & we just don't know & we'll probably never know

ervie: Hey, whatever they do on their spare time is their business (I wouldn't mind knowing though :coverlaf: ). I'm sure it's not like what Toomtam said...that Vill is eating when she's not busy. Suuuuure...
Oooooooohhhhhhh! :ghehe:
aiyaja said:
Hahahah! How would Toomtam know Vill's schedule? He's like a Thitit, stubborn mouth. His mouth says he doesn't care about her but he stalks her. Lol
Homerun?! WaaHahah, is that why ToomVill still has so much sexual chemsitry when they're in the same room?!
Gah, that sexual chemistry was apparent soooooooooo many times, and their little skit during the Jan Dai Jai segment is proof of that! Give me some time here to make GIFs of it and prove my point(s)!