ImmaSingaholic said:HAHAHA hopefully that happens in the future. we need a good lakorn, good producer, good script, good director, good casting for next ToomVill lakorn!!! *preferably slap/kiss drama genre hahaha** Maybe Aom will produce again hahah since she adored ToomVill, and of course N' Nava is as biased as us!!!! :bhehe:ervie: hahahahaaha, lol everything about Toomtam is perfect for Vill anyways, cause we're shipping them way too hard
Come on, N'Nava! Convince your mommy to reunite them so that you can fangirl over them again! :worthy:
Ncmeowmeow35 said:Seems like exact is branching out to remaking international films. ALTK,THE OC,ISILY. maybe one day they can reunite in one of those kdramas. I really want Exact to remake Fah Pieng Din and Wimarn Sai.
Eek! I'm rooting for ToomVill in a remake of Fah Pieng Din!!!! :woot: