ImmaSingaholic said:yeah i hate that they are rushing too much!!!
HAHAHAHAH I think he deserves more than a smack!!! Yeah count it and let me know ja hahahaa :woot: :whahuh:
I wanna see those scenes back in HD tomorrow yay!!! Its so heartbreaking though, but I am so so happy they kept that kiss scene for us, it was a really cute scene. SPOILERS : he thought she was asleep so he kisses her forehead and goes back to sleep, then she wakes up and kiss him back and he was shocked. And she said if she wasn't fake sleeping she wouldn't know he kisses her secretly and he said "now we're even" and then she says she wants to hug too. ME DYING DYING DYING DYING
Oh, yes, Koon deserves more than a little smack on the head. :gungirl: :numchuck: Okie dokie, will let you know just how many outfits she had on in episode 14. :bhehe:
GAH, that kiss scene! :woot2: :weee: I saw two IG clips of it, and I assumed that he kissed her "sleepy" face first, and she woke up minutes later to kiss him back. I was right!
VILLNAN said:Noo I still need you to post pics!
Aw, ok. Don't worry, I will. :console:
for zeros said:I rewatched some episode then find out!
Koon was wearing different kinds of leather jacket!
black(no collar) / black(with collar) /navy blue/ brown
I never knew :woot:
maybe May's not the only one who changed clothes so frequently.
maybe Watit,either? :shutup: :shutup: :shutup:
What's this? Now they got us investigating their wardrobes?!!! :whahuh: :loool: Too funnie!
ImmaSingaholic said:Yeah we have a long list of things to criticize about when it comes to Exact's treatment to NJ :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
I really don't want to face the truth that its ending. I don't want to leave this thread, I don't want to leave you guys.
Maiko, WE NEED YOU FOR THE PICTURES. Singing *You are my superwoman~* :woot2: :woot2: :woot2:
Sorry for my massive spoilers on episode 14 though. lol
Yeah to Exact. Just thinking about it makes me so angry! More about that later though. :sick:
Aw, I don't want you to leave, either! :spin: But it's close to bedtime for you, huh? :cry1:
Eek! Why, you darling charmer! :blush:
ImmaSingaholic said:HAHAHAAH! Yeah he has different kinds of jackets, but its all dark colours, he looks hot though with those hahaha!
Watit has loads of shirts, collar shirts. Different colours. I like Rut dressing up as Watit more than the Rut beanie and jacket style. I like a man that dresses in suit and collar shirts. heheheheeh
May definitely has all the different outfits. Like pool outfit, yoga suit, dress, shorts, pants and her long PJ dress which I love (they look so comfy!) Girls has more advantage when it comes to wardrobe hahahahaah!
Hehe, I like both Watit and Rut's fashion styles (oh, the Watit as in Rut-Watit, when Rut took over Watit's identity). Oh, my gosh, so true about May! :loool: We girls are so darn lucky!