lakornfan8 said:
Love their intense acting in ep.14. Toomtam is soo good in his emotion, EXACT would be foolish if they don't promote him further. He and Vill just have sooo much chemistry, it's like they are made for each other? For such a young actor, Toomtam nail his roles soo well.
Love that they have more loving scenes where Vill is giving her love to him. Who do we bombard to give them another lakorn together?

Lakornfan8, you BETTER NOT disappear on me again without a solid answer! :smack:
First, eek! Happy to hear from you again! :yahoo: :woot: :grouphug: :kiss3: Secondly, I love your review! Agree with it whole-heartily! I love their intense acting, too! :bravo: And that ToomVill chemistry is freakin' amazing like always!

Aw, you're right about that; it's like they are indeed made for each other. :wub:
Me, too, me, too! I love it that Vill is more loving to him in some of the scenes!!!!

As for your last question, scoff! Do you even go around like me to bombard Exact, Aom, and One HD with requests of ToomVill? :whahuh: Haha, just kidding. :console: But come on! Help me out here! :weee: You have anyone in mind? I'm rooting for a collaboration between Aom and P'Art! :yes:

Planning on going over to P'Art's IG really soon. :bhehe: