ceda_lee said:
Aw...that kiss that May gave Rut...I can't even. Raping the replay button like there's no tomorrow.
Really now? :eyetwitch: Yikes, that poor replay button. Well, here you go, then!

lakornfan8 said:
LOL, Maiko. You are so funny. :coverlaf: Yes, I try to come as much, but life is soo busy. I do come once in a while to read all your posts. I can't believe how many pages this is already on! Way to go!

Ngao Jai even beat Ab Ruk Online in posts! Wow! This is amazing! Toomtam and Vill are soo underrated compare to the other channel couples/actors/actresses.
Please share the Exact, Aom, and One HD pages so that I can help you bombard their pages too. :numchuck: LOL. :yahoo:
I think even though this lakorn is short, it is soo much better in storyline than Sud Sai Paan. And I think this lakorn gives Toomtam a chance to stand out as the lead, versus Sud Sai Paan, where Vill was the shining star for her two roles.
Oh, whew, you're still here (for now).


Aw, I see... :teary: You've been busy. :console:

:grouphug: Hence, I'm always happy to hear from you and the others. ^_^ Haha, I know! Our little
Ngao Jai thread has come so far! And yes, it did beat
Ab Ruk Online's thread in terms of pages (aah, but, there were a few times when we were kind of talking about nonsense stuff :bhehe

. Hehe, Toomtam and Vill are underrated compared to other Channel 3 and 7's couples/actors/actresses, but they're very well-loved by us. :wub:
Ok, here are the IGs for our targets:
So, you with me? :ninja: :numchuck: :gungirl: :highfive:
Agree with you on the last part about
NJ's storyline! Hehe, I think
NJ allows both Toomtam and Vill to shine, but especially Toomtam. :yes:
ceda_lee said:
I actually don't feel all that bad for Rut. He had so many chances to tell May the truth, but didn't. I sympathize with May. I hate Koon. I want to kill Naree's father. I wish Naree's hair will get messy as hell!!!! Ahhhhh!!!
Aish, you're a cruel woman... :cry: Hehe, just kidding, Ceda. I know what you mean.

I sympathize with them both... :weep: As for your rants about Koon, Naree's father, and Naree's hair, :lmao3: & :lmao:!!!!! I was thinking about your comment regarding her hair when I noticed how nice her hair looks in episode 14.
ceda_lee said:
And then May becomes the typical n'ek & don't want to listen to anything!? Ugh!!! I am so frustrated! May mai mee hek poon leur!!! OMFG!!! I'm mad & sad!
Uh-oh...you're angry...

:nailbiter: :hide: