aiyaja said:
Oh man, I love Toomtam's cover of AB Normal's song on Sister Day. It's been on replay. :woot:
Awww! I love that scene. Toomtam's ears were sooooo red, they were about to fall off.
Ah, yes! That was one of the questions I've been meaning to ask you, about which Toomtam's cover of AB Normal's song is on replay for you. Haha, well, you answered that question without me asking! It was so cut short, though. :teary: Would love to hear him sing the whole song. I think my absolute favorite cover of the song from him is during the Jan Dai Jai segment. :wub: The only setback is that the baddies kept on interrupting him! I didn't mind Vill screaming. :bhehe:
But his ears are so red in most of the scenes with Vill, though...especially the kiss scene in the hut.
aiyaja said:
You know what puzzles me is, Toomtam has a girlfriend and I'm sure they do way sweeter and intimate things than hug and cheek pecking, so why did Toomtam BLUSH sooooo much?!!!! Hahah. That's just funny.

ervie: :yummy: :crush:
*Sniff* Now, don't remind me of what he does with May Sirin behind closed doors. :weep: But hehe, I love how shy he is around Vill. :ghehe:
aiyaja said:
I just think it was really sweet of Vill to have wiped Toomtam's dripping sweat during the skit at Jan Dai Jai. She didn't have to but she did. :bhehe:
Dang it, Aiyaja, you're on a roll tonight! I thought that part was incredibly sweet, too. :wub: I love it... :cry: