On a happier note, thanks to our efforts, Toomtam won the EFM Award for Most Popular Celebrity! :woot:

arty: :bravo:

:beer: :toast: Aw, great job, everyone! :grouphug: :heart: I would have loved it if our
Ngao Jai had won in its category, but it's sweet enough that our boy did. :cry: :spin: He looked so stinkin' adorable and handsome when he accepted it. :yummy: :wub: Gah, that photo of him pouting...too darn kute! :spin:. I just want to kiss him...or rather, I want Vill to kiss him! :drool: Also, at one point,
NJ was #2 on TVPool Magazine's list of popular (?) lakorns. Hooray! :woot2:

Haha, it probably only appeared once on their list, but that's awesome enough for me. :blush:
Ok, have a great day, guys! Let's all keep going on! :grouphug:

Credits: Exact & Scenario's Facebook; efm_station, efmontv, lakornexact, toomtamfc_maeew, ttyuttana's IGs.
Everyone is cleaning their schedule for Monday but only me!
I don't know how to clean up this school mess :scratchhead2:
Aw, no...that terrible? :mellow: Fighting, Villnan! :console: :strong:

Hope you can get all your schoolwork done so that we can all spazz and cry over the finale on Monday. :cry1: :grouphug: Su su!
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Lol my employees love extra hours because that means OT and Monday's off. They keep telling me more good Thai lakotns needs to be on Mondays and Tuesdays lol. We've had almost 2 months of no work on Monday's and 4 hrs of OT on Friday and Saturday.
Now that BR ended and NJ will, it's back to normal lol.
Dang, if only it was that easy for me. :whahuh: But then, I got really lucky the last few weeks, in that most of my days off fell on Monday-Tuesday. :worthy:
*Sigh* It's back to normal for me, too. :mellow: