aiyaja said:
Haha, they would literally send me to heaven if they sang the duet in this Meet and Greet but ughhh, what I've learned from this whole ToomVill experience ever since SSP is, everything falls short. Even when I didn't expect anything for the ending of Ngao Jai because we've been wayyyyy too disappointed this entire time whether it be promotions, talkshows, gameshows, you name it, I still ended up being majorly disappointed when I expected nothing. Like how can that even happen?! Hahah, not that we're picky, but there's so much red tape between ToomVill plus they're both always cut short too. Anyway, I would donate $100 bucks to someone randomly on this thread if ToomVill sang the Zeal and Noona duet together, like the whole song as a serious performance. :rockon: :bhehe:
Uh okayyyyyy, maybe not $100 but I'll send out 4 itunes gift cards to 4 random people, share the love. So we'll see if it happens or not. edited your post. So much for that $100. :teary: :cry1: But iTunes gift cards?!!!! :woot: Haha, I want very much! :weee:
Guest said:
Actually, check the lyrics again, it *DOES* say อยากรู้ ว่าชีวิตเธอเป็นอย่างไร "yahk roo cheewit tur bpen yahng rai", so it is translated to "I want to know how your life is."

But if all pronouns are left out, it is open to interpretation because it could mean any manner of things depending on context alone.
Any other mistakes I may have made, I apologize for my English hahaha

But I still stand by my translation
Thanks for the correction and translations! :grouphug:
Kimberry<3 said:
holy watershed! The lyrics of that song is. :woot: :woot: ... :heart: I will never lose hope for them. Thank you for translating Aiyaja. :grouphug:
Maiko: Yes I would like to hear ToomVill sing the OST together. It's a concert so Vill should do something because she's the nang'ake. She can't just stand there and look pretty..unless it's an eye sex with Toomtam then fine.
Ohhhh please there'll be a $100 up for grab if they sang?? Oh la la!
I was wondering what is OneHD's FB page too..lemme check.
:whahuh: Haha, you're right, KimBerry; Vill just can't stand there and look pretty. But whahahaha, we'll settle for serious eye sex between Toomtam and Vill! :lolyup: You and your ToomVill's eye sex talk. :loool: :lmao3: Ah, but their eye sex is amazing! :drool: :spicy: :wub: Aw, how sweet that you'll never lose hope for them. :cry: Hehe, my mind's being logical (as logical as it can be) about it, but my heart's definitely praying and hoping that
THAT day and opportunity will come for them, and they will size it. Follow your hearts, you two! :heart:
Huh?! So, you want that $100, too, huh? :numchuck:
Kimberry<3 said:
Here's the FB page of onehd VillNan.. I don't know if we should post on the wall or leave a comment on an NJ related photo.
BOTH, girl! :woot: I'm going to do so, today, right now, after this! :weee:
Kimberry<3 said:
I also want to see N'Nava in the concert..on stage with ToomVill, she could be their little one. I hope they do a skit like that..
EEK, worth asking for it! Haha, Aom will probably be too busy to supervise N'Nava and be there herself for the concert, but she could get somebody else to! :worthy: Oh, it would be so awesome if they did a skit like that. :drool: :wub: I doubt it, but we can always ask, and I WILL. :dude:
huajaikaungtur said:
Hahaha heyy! I wanna win $100!!! Just kidding! You girls are so funny, hahaha.
But yess, a duet pleaseeee!
Eh, competition from you, too, for that $100, Marina?! Aiyaja, look at what you've done to us... :nono1: Well, to
me specifically! The cat claws are out! :gungirl: :ninja: :arrg: Hehe, I'm just kidding, but I can be competitive when I want to, especially when it involves ToomVill. :woot:
Marina, let's make sure they heard our
demands wishes! :highfive:
I miss them already :cry:
...Now, you got me missing them... :weep: But! Hehe, I'm still on :cloud9: over the idea of a Meet and Greet and mini concert with ToomVill. :wub:
ceda_lee said:
I was famous elsewhere? Where? I don't recall. :scratchhead2: So you have seen me act a fool on other threads other than NJ & SSP?
Absolutely agree! :rockon: It has to be an indirect confession. Maybe if his real life May can pick up the message he's trying to convey, she might be the bigger person & let him go to pursue Vill. I highly doubt that though...considering how "clingy" she is.
Aw, you don't remember Janie and Ken P's
Raeng Ngao's thread? I don't blame you, though. :bhehe: I don't remember too much, either, so when I went back to reread some posts in there sometime last year, I realized that you and I (and others keke) gushed over the lakorn and Ken P quite a lot while
RN was on air. "Oh, my gosh, it's Ceda girl! Aah, so she and I have gushed and connect with each other before
Sud Sai Pan! :woot: Oh, yeah." Hah, that was my reaction. And there are other random threads I came across that have a post or two from lovely you!
Urgh, May Sirin...I'm sorry, but I doubt she'll ever let Toomtam go free. :cry: But hehe, yes, be the bigger person here, May! :spin: Dang, this is lakorn drama in reality! :bhehe: Hopefully, it will have a lakorn ending for our ToomVill.

aiyaja said:
Hahah, thanks for taking your time in clarifying. :spin: I listened to Toomtam again and Mariam plus looked up the lyrics, yes, it does have the "TER". I must apologize to you. I heard Toomtam's "TER" as "JA". Haha, go listen to him, it's slurred to a point where it sounded like ja and I didn't look at the lyrics in Thai either, was too tired last night, and there is where the mistake happened. Mariam stresses the T in Ter, so you can clearly hear it, but Toomtam doesn't enunciate it as much. No, no, you're right. :coverlaf: I'm the one who must apologize. :worthy: And like I said, certain Thai phrases are hard to translate like the one I pointed out, it's hard to really carry over its meaning when there are no words to translate them, hopefully, I didn't offend you na. :secret: I've edited my post. Haha, thanks again.
Ahh, I woke up late after sleeping late last night. I'm off to subbing for now.
Gah, I fell asleep "early" myself and woke up late myself. :teary: At least with
NJ's end of the mile run, I can go back to waking up late on Mondays and Tuesdays, if necessary.

hew: Aw, have fun with subbing, Aiyaja!

ceda_lee said:
:whahuh: Did anyone see Toomtam's IG today? He used one of those aging apps to made him look old. WOW...scary! :lolyup:
So, that's what that photo was about. :loool: Hehe, yikes, it did scare me, too. :hide: Ooh, wonder how an aged Vill will look next to him? They'd still be flippin' perfect and beautiful together. :wub: