Hiya, guys! :hiya: Oh, news about the fitting.
Aiyaja says that looks like it won't take place this week, but sometime in the middle towards the end of the month. Say wha-?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :cry1: Oh, darn, darn, darn! I was so looking forward to a quick 100% confirmation of Toomtam - Vill, so that I wouldn't have too much to worry about them changing the p'ek to someone else. Though it is true that even after all the fitting and opening ceremony for a lakorn, they still pull people out and put in another actor/actress to take their place.

Now, that's just wrong. >_<
So, most likely, the fitting will be after Vill returns to Thailand. Vill has an event in China ("Amazing Thailand") on Saturday, November 16, in which she'll be going to China to promote Thailand tourism. She'll probably be gone a couple of days. I sincerely hope that the fitting will be soon after her return. It would be awesome if Toomtam and/or his fanclub confirmed his role in
NJ in the meantime. Seriously hope that nothing changes. :worthy: Oh, and filming will start in December.

I hope Vill and Toomtam have plenty of time for each other! Want them to be at their best in
cool :) said:
The plot! I'm liking it! Can't wait for toomtaand vill portraying the roles here :bhehe: it's Exact. What do you expect from it? Helluh drama and crazy stuff 555 all I know is that WE ARE GUNNA HAVE LOTS OF THOSE KISSING SCENES WHERE THEY ACTUALLY KISS. Haha ohh toomtam you can go ahead and take advantage of those lips while you can :loool:
:lmao2: :lmao: :lmao3: :rofl: I'm with Marina; that last sentence is just too funnie and cute,
Hmm, the thing is,
Aiyaja translated the book summary of
Ngao Jai on Spicy forum, and it's not that exciting. :whahuh: It's pretty depressing, especially the ending. In the book, it's not like one of them dies or anything, but it sounds like they don't end up happily with each other. It's one of those endings in which n'ek (haha, in the book, not in the lakorn) begs p'ek to come back with her, but he has other responsibilities: taking care of his ill mother, among other things. LAME excuse. :yuck: :thumbdown: BOO! Why should that stop you two from living together happily ever after?!

She understands him ('tch, *scoff*), and they promise they'll be each other's hearts' shadow (ngao jai).
Well, I like how it's related to the title of the book, but that's a sad ending...they might as well die together. (Aah, too mean of me! Sorry; I'd rather they end up with each other in life or death. :lolyup

Oh, don't worry, though! In Kob and Brook's
NJ version, it was a happy ending.

hew: So, Toomtam and Vill's characters should end up with each other, too... Shoot, they'd better! Or I swear, I'm going to DESTROY Exact.... :rant:
huajaikaungtur said:
Omg, 4 pages of this already. Yahoo!~ Toomtam and Vill, I am too excited to see these two again.
And after reading all the posts, I can tell this lakorn is gonna be good! I sense a lot of intimate scenes, woot! woot!
And it's gonna be sad seeing Toomtam die ... but since he plays twin roles, it'll make up for it xD
But I'm really liking the gist of this lakorn so far.
And I know for sure the n'rais are gonna be heartless, crazy people. Aish, Exact.
@cool: "you can go ahead and take advantage of those lips while you can" << LOLOL, you're hilariousss!! But yess!
Hehehe, well, I practically live in this thread now, Marina...here for 22/7; only 22 hours, for I need at least 2 hours of beauty sleep.

Haha, just kidding, but seriously, I can't stay away...constantly have to keep checking on it. :blush: Intimate scenes...one of those scenes that Toomtam - Vill exceed in. :yummy:

As for Toomtam's twin dying, it's like watching Nee die all over again. :cry: But I'm pretty sure Toomtam's twin is a whole lot more lovable than Nee. :coverlaf:
Aiyaja's translation of the book summary depresses me, but after hearing that Brook and Kob's lakorn is way different from the book, it makes me feel better. So, Exact should do a better job with
NJ. Plus, most likely, Toomtam and Vill will end up with each other again. :woot: Haha, your last two (actually, five

) sentences are hilarious themselves. Especially the part about Exact. :highfive:
Sweet_09 said:
Woohoo!!! View & Toomtam reunited so fast!!! I love u 2x more this year Exact!!!! :dance2: :dance2:
Thank u Maiko for da welcoming!!!
I know,
Sweet_09! It's so cool and amazing it didn't take forever for Exact to pair them up. :cry: Next year promises to be a very good year for Thai lakorns. So many I'm looking forward to!

I'm happy you're excited, too! I'm still in my state of shock and happiness! xD Now, we just got to wait for the fitting... =/ You're welcome for the...welcoming.

queenyeon said:
Thanks for clarifying, now I'm even more hyped up for this!!!

I like how the whole Toomtam/Vill team are back in here xD
well you're right, Annoying nang'rai= Lakorn. So it's angelic Vill in this? no bratty Vill? haha I must say I like both! she's so good at playing those different characters, her SSP performance was really impressive imo!
since both Toomtam and Vill have their own seperate lakorns for now, the fitting/filming will be late no?
You're welcome,

(Darn, I'm kissing everybody left and right. Haha, can't help contain the love. :blush

If Exact doesn't change it, I don't think Vill's character in here is too angelic.

She and Toomtam will get into plenty of disagreements. :bhehe: And they're pretty jealous of each other, too, with all the interactions between both their exes (ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend) and the doctor's daughter. I have a feeling I'm going to sympathize more with Toomtam's p'ek character, but I hope Vill's character will be bearable haha.
Yeah...if nothing changes (AGAIN), the fitting should be somewhere in the middle towards the end of November... So, in other words, near the end of the month haha. And filming is said to start in December. I hope filming two lakorns at the same time won't interfere with both Vill - Toomtam's performances in
NJ.... It'll be a challenge for them, and I hope they overcome it together, proving to us they're still able to generate chemistry with each other out of
SSP. :blush:
huajaikaungtur said:
Queenyeon: I like both, too. She plays all roles very well and I wouldn't mind seeing her in a bratty na'ek role xD It'd be very fun.
Both her roles in SSP were incredible. I even fell in love with Nee xD
I have a feeling the filming & fitting will be late, we'll have to wait for a while ;~; we'll wait patiently, tehee.

to your reply to
Queenyeon. Aah, you're right about the fitting and filming, Marina. I'm mostly anxious about the fitting. I just want it over quick so that we can rest easily that it'll be Toomtam - Vill hehe. xD And now, we have to be even more patient until it occurs towards the end of November! :weep: K, patience is a virtue... :spin:
Chalidaluvprin said:
I hope so to I want them to have a couple of Rais in this one but not a ton like in SSP. I feel like the doctors daughter doesn't really need to be in here.
SSP isn't actually that bad.

Hmm, the major rai is Nee (hah!), though there's also Wasun, Wun, and Wit. But Wun and Wit don't really count haha. Oh gosh, from
Aiyaja's translation of the book summary, the doctor's daughter role actually seems more significant than p'ek's ex-girlfriend.

So, since she's such a big obstacle, most likely, Exact will keep her in the remake... :mellow: I just hope Aom, her father, and the scriptwriter will focus less on the rais and more on our pra'nangs. :yes: