[OneHD] Rang Mai Huajai Dem (Magic If - Exact Scenario) : Vill Wannarot/ Jieb Sopitnapa/ Tui Theerap


sarNie OldFart
Vill is speaking to someone new. She's not ready to reveal who yet but they've been talking for a year. Everything has to be certain first. Once she's ready, people will see for themselves who it is. In addition, people gave her a new nickname calling her a "dangerous woman." She's very upset about it and thinks it's harsh because she's in no way dangerous. She doesn't want anyone to misunderstand her or be afraid to approach her. All the news about her revolving men started on their own. She did not create news to bring attention to herself. Her past nicknames included casanovee and n'ek who likes to use her charms on people. 
What happened to Nong???


sarNie OldFart
^They just reported it like that but the guy is Nong. Nong and Vill has been going out ever since July of last year.
That's recycled news. I guess, they having nothing new to say about Vill, so they keep bringing up the Casanovee title and being a "dangerous" woman when that was news in July of last year too. Hahah.
Dang, I love that look on Vill. Vill looks like Nid again without all of that makeup cluttering up her face. Omg, I love Vill's natural face. It's the most beautiful.


sarNie OldFart
I don't know why I'm also excited to see Tui and Vill together LOL. they had already film the accident scene...


sarNie OldFart
I know!!! I want a photo of Tui and Vill like right now, so I can judge their acting. Hahah.


sarNie OldFart
Yeah, that's why I still think he's an ass. They've been talking for over a year now, even Vill has said that. They both admit that they go to places together just the two of them BUT he says they're still not dating? He still hasn't planned on courting her? Omg! Seriously?! Vill really likes guys who don't acknowledge her, huh? Haha.

Oh yeah, bad luck for Vill. While selling stuff at that one event, Vill got cheated by a few thousands. What happened was, Vill was busy tending to customers so when people came to purchase jewelry or clothes, they gave her a huge bill that was fake, not having the time to check the authenticity of the money, she gave back change which was real money. Vill needs those markers that can tell what's fake.