Episode 4 Summary: I'm actually going scene by scene as much as possible.
Kwan was going to pay respect to the Grandfather's portrait but Win interrupted and wouldn't allow Kwan to finish saying that the Grandfather doesn't have the power to wash Kwan clean. (In terms of Kwan's past with men.) Win accused Kwan of shutting her ex-boyfriend's mouth with one million which caused Kwan to question as to where he got that information from. Kwan leaves but Win quickly wraps his arms around her. Woonsen turns on the lights witnessing the hug and calls out for her Mom. The Mom comes down to punish Kwan but Win interrupts saying that they didn't do anything, they accidently bumped into each other. Kwan looks at Win and sarcastically thanks Win for being the hero. Win and the Mom talk outside. The Mom forbids Win from falling for Kwan and uses this opportunity to propose Woonsen but Win answers that he is about to get married to Poo and has never thought of cheating. Win questions as to why the Mom treats Kwan differently from Woonsen, the Mom answers that Woonsen is an obedient daughter whereas Kwan is a rebellious daughter with a filthy past.
Win is about to knock on Kwan's bedroom to apologize but Woonsen interrupts and assures that she'll apologize for him instead. Woonsen apologizes to Kwan for being the cause of Kwan's punishment. In addition, Woonsen lies to Kwan that Win said that the reason why Win hugged Kwan was because Kwan was seducing him and Win also admitted to getting bored of Poo. Woonsen then asked Kwan to assist her in wooing Win because she's in love with Win. Kwan agrees to help.
Poo hires Ek to teach Woonsen a lesson for her rotten attitude towards Poo in kidnapping her. Win wants to show some remorse for what happened last night and aplogizes to Kwan plus suggesting that he'll send Kwan but Kwan refuses and says that she doesn't want to ride in the shadows of someone else. Win quickly exclaims that Kwan is actually waiting for her men. Kwan then responds back saying if Win already knows then why is he still waiting like quickly go now.

Kwan withdraws 3 million and Pai questions why when the new car was only 2 million. The Mom comes and takes the money and gives Ek his portion.
While in Kwan's new car, Kwan says that she regrets spending so much on the car but Pai reassures her that a car would the safest thing for Kwan to prevent another attack as a student's schedule is unpredictable. Kwan thanks Pai for always being concerned with her issues unlike someone else who only waits and plans to bash her like Win. Pai asks Kwan to be patient with Win as Win hasn't reached a certain level of life yet so he's still into wealth and business. Plus, Win grew up without a mother so he doesn't have a soft side like others. Kwan thought about herself as she didn't have a Mom who loved her either and Pai asks if Kwan already told Win that she was attending college, not high school like what Win had assumed. Kwan said for Pai to keep this as a secret and let all the rest believe that she's stupid. Pai asks why? Is it to spite people? Kwan said that it's to spite her own poor life. Pai asks a poor life? Someone who has thousands of millions?
Kwan then sadly responds, "Having money but I can't even buy good feelings from other people. And money doesn't know how to build love either."
Win is in his office thinking what type of Mom would actually ill treat their daughter like that. Poo enters and Win asks Poo if Mothers ill treat their daughters and Poo said that she doesn't remember as her parents died at an early age of her life. Win doesn't know either because he also didn't grow up with a Mom. Poo asks Win to get married but Win says that before he marries, he has to fulfill his Grandfather and Father's dreams of building that shopping center and after the project is complete, they can get married in the center. Poo doesn't agree with the idea because if Kwan doesn't agree to exchange the land then the center would never be finished thus no wedding. Poo questions Win why Win has gotten a lot colder towards her. Win says there's nothing. Poo advises Win to be less concerned about Kwan.
Ek asks the Mom to continuously give him money or else watch out for Woonsen and Gino. Kwan and Pai return right in time for Win to become jealous, honking his horn like crazy and speeds up after Kwan as they enter into the driveway. Kwan breaks all of a sudden to avoid crashing into Gino and Win crashes into Kwan's bumper. Win and Kwan argue. Woonsen really likes Kwan's car and asks if she can have it. Woonsen and Win talk near the swing. Win asks Woonsen if the Mom ill treats Kwan like this often. Woonsen says that she has never seen the Mom being good to Kwan and assumes that it's probably because Kwan's father caused the Mom great pain thus is projecting that anger out on Kwan. Woonsen asks Win if Kwan should give the new car to her and Win says why shouldn't Kwan when Woonsen is the younger sibling.
The Mom asks Kwan for an extra one million to give to Ek, the fee for not allowing him to enter the Simarndtraa House. Kwan doesn't agree to the fee. Woonsen comes in telling Kwan that Win already gave the green light that she should have the new car. Woonsen shows the Mom the new car and the Mom demands Kwan to give the new car to Woonsen. Kwan doesn't respond so the Mom grabs Kwan and slaps her. Woonsen laughs at Kwan saying Kwan shouldn't have retaliated because the Mom already doesn't love Kwan. Kwan slaps Woonsen saying that the slap is the only price she'll give to Woonsen and second, for saying that the Mom doesn't love her. The Mom then hits and beats on Kwan even more. Watching this, Win comes out and stops the Mom saying that this type of treatment isn't welcomed at Simarndtraa.
The next morning Kwan waits at the gates to tell Pai that she doesn't have a car anymore. As Kwan is about to go out, the Mom rushes over asking for the one million. Kwan says that she isn't going to give her anymore money. While Kwan and the Mom are arguing, Woonsen runs out to get a taxi and accidently enters Ek's taxi. The Mom rushes over to Kwan asking Kwan to withdraw the one million and save Woonsen as she has been kidnapped by Ek. The Mom even bows down and begs, Kwan seeing this is touched and promises to help Woonsen with the money. The Mom hugs Kwan for the first time and Kwan sadly asks the Mom, if it was Kwan who was kidnapped, would the Mom be this concerned? The Mom says Kwan shouldn't be asking such questions as it's still dangerous for Woonsen.
Kwan had the Mom arrange with Ek to meet up at the old community at the slums. Surprisingly, they meet up with Win and Poo who are observing the plot of land for their project. Poo badly insults a lot of people and are about to get some whooping when Kwan arrives at the scene. Poo pushes the blame onto Kwan saying that Kwan is actually the real owner who is going to evacuate the community and build a business center. Kwan responds that she has never had those type of intentions. The people believe Kwan and call Poo a liar. Kwan tells the people to rest assure that Kwan will preserve this plot of land and for the people to let Win and Poo go. Win and Poo leave. Kwan gives Ek the money in hopes of this being the last sum while witnessing how much the Mom loves Woonsen.
Poo says that they should just place the blame on Kwan but Win says that even though he doesn't like Kwan but doesn't mean that he hates her. In the end, Kwan is his sister and the one who saved them at the slums was Kwan. Poo then claims that Win has changed and they are misunderstanding each other is because of Kwan. Poo offers more money to Ek to hurt Kwan to the extreme. Win waits for Kwan to thank her for what she did at the community. Kwan says she did it for the people, not Win and they're at opposite sides, Win wants to build a center while Kwan doesn't. Woonsen interrupts and asks Win to teach her how to drive but Win refuses and says that he's not a driving instrutor. Kwan suggests that if Win really does want to repay her for the deed, for Win to teach Woonsen how to drive. After practice, Woonsen tells Win that Ek probably won't be moving into Simarndtraa anymore because she and the Mom demanded him not to. Win expresses a happy face.
The Mom advises Gino not to go play too far and too long so Gino takes off but accidently lands on Ek's bike. Gino calls the Mom and Ek threatens to hurt Gino if Kwan doesn't agree to let him move into the Simarndtraa House. Kwan is pushed to accept Ek's request for Gino's safety. Win is eating dinner by himself and questions where is the other side of the family? In Kwan's room, they discuss how they're going to let Win know about Ek's moving in. The Mom tells Kwan to inform Win that Ek which is her boyfriend will be moving into the house.
Kwan tells Win that she's not asking for permission but she's just using her right as another owner of the house in allowing Ek to move in. They argue. The Mom calls Ek that he can move in and Gino is released, running into Win. Win asks Gino what happened but the Mom interrupts and takes Gino away. Ek moves into the house and the Mom reminds him that he's in the house under the name of Kwan's boyfriend, for him to act appropriately. Ek purposely runs into Kwan. Kwan tells him to scram but Ek tells Kwan that she actually owes him because with just one word, Ek can have all of them out of the Simarndtraa House. Kwan says that he's wrong for thinking that she wants to stay in the Simarndtraa House. The one who wants to stay is him so he better think before he messes with her and change that thinking because it's actually him who owes her. The Mom comes in and tells Ek to keep his distance because Kwan is a person who doesn't care about money so it's him and her who depend on Kwan.
Kwan visits Duean and is comforted. Win sees Gino at the swimming pool and says that Gino can dive in if he wishes but Gino says that it's not necessary. Kwan told him not to go anywhere except for his room and bathroom. While living in the Simarndtraa House, for Gino to be good, quiet, not cause any trouble for the people there. If he can do things on his own then do it and not bother the others. Win asks Gino that he must love Kwan a lot. Gino says that he loves Kwan the most as much as his Mom. If it wasn't for Kwan, he wouldn't have a future. Kwan would have cars run into her just to get money for his tuition. Win asks why doesn't Kwan just work? Gino says she does as a funeral crier, a motocycle taxi, almost everything. But the Mom loves to gamble so all of the money is stolen away and Ek and Woonsen also ill treat Kwan too. Woonsen comes and pretends she's drowning. Win helps and Poo says that Woonsen is faking it and pulls her leg. Woonsen gets up and pushes Poo into the pool. While getting out she runs into Ek. Ek says that he's sorry he can't hurt Kwan because he is now one of the owners of this house and demands Poo to pay up to keep his mouth zipped about Poo hiring him to hurt Kwan. Kwan and Duean shop at the Mall and run into the Mom. The Mom rushes out and is shocked that Kwan and Duean are close. The Mom quickly tells Ek on what to do. Ek says that either way, Kwan isn't her real daughter so after they use and leech off Kwan to the maximum, they will get rid of her. Poo tells Goo that Ek betrayed her but oh well because Ek will be there to harass Kwan. Gino tells Kwan that he overheard Ek and Poo talking about her. Kwan is surprised that a person like Ek will know someone like Poo and tells Gino not to worry. They hug.
End of Episode 4
Episode 5 Previews:
Poo: Even though he's not expressing it but secretly sending his heart to her, only that much, has already ruined my life. I will never lose to someone like that.
Speaking to Win: I want our business to smoothly succeed.
Why if there was someone who purposely ignited the fire to cause death?
The Man: This person right here is the person who burned our community.