but why would kwan do such a thing?? but if the maid said she lend her phone to a n'ek..dont u think she meas kwan since shes the n'ek. and how come the maid said to a n'ek instead of her name..since its obvious that she said a n'ek which is kwan!! soo she totally told on kwan! so they wont reveal it cuZ they want to protect the person who did it..so maybe it was kwan... =/ or someone that wants poo to think it was kwan since they have problems already. wow then that person is good thinking knowing they have problems then making kwan look bad..or maybe it was someone on set that dont like kwan..so who could it be!! goshh soo confuse...i want to know the whole truth...but i read in a artical that it couldnt be kwan cuz she was in the hospital cuZ she lost her voice...so she couldnt be the caller...but kwan didnt come out defending herself though...so it kinda makes u think...i dont know...i have thoughts and oppinions.. =/ so im still lost..wats the problem between kwan and poo priya?? hmmmm....so i wonder where kwan and everyone else was wen supposedly golf yelled at her...who was the one who came out that golf yelled at her? i have soo many assumptions and im always curious...since i love kwan! i hope she reallie didnt do it!!
I have no idea why Kwan would do such a thing since I'm not her. I suppose she's angry at Poo Monthana for saying that she arrives to the lakorn set late and blah blah blah. Such stupid drama lol. Oh and Kwan pranked call so that means she calls and hangs up so I don't think you would need a voice to call and hang up. Plus, Kwan came out on Dao kra Jai this morning saying that she didn't do it, and why would she do it since Poo Monthana is a nice person and stuff. Oh she also had to add in that her daddy is a police lol. And in the end she said she'll leave this in the police's hand.
The problem between Kwan and Poo Praiya is the roles thing. I think it stemmed from Kwan saying Poo is a nang'rai in this lakorn or something like that. But Aiyaja says that Kwan didn't say that and the reporters did but I don't know the real truth.
Also on dao kra jai today, Golf said that he didn't make Poo Praiya cry and that it must of been in the script for her to cry. What a lame arse answer!
Anyways, I'll stop with this whole ordeal or else Kwan fans might jump me lol. As much as I like Kwan as an actress, her personality sucks. But then again who am I to judge since I don't know her in real life. Lets just focus on the lakorn
