You're Average Person :)
Thanks for the caps. Nat actually looks okay. LOL, I couldnt even recognize Boy lol
i know what you mean Fun4fun...whenever i look at the photos for this lakorn and such, i can't help but think "oh, what if Rome had been paired with Rita for this lakorn instead of nat"...it would be so much better if the p'ek were Rome...I got to admit that Nat and Rita are not so bad together after all. The mustache ain't bad, it's kind funny though. Now to think of it, I now really (really badly) want Rome to be in here. I like the fashion they have on, it fits them perfectly!
Aom from Badarn Jai omg I will definitely want to see some cat fight scene!!! Ahahahaha!
i want it to be maprang paired with boy...is aom paring w/ boy or marphang...??
that's good to hear!well in the clip from seesanbantern...it says Boy will be playing Tun Chai (a Lord Prince)...Rita's fiance...and Maprang will play praek's neighbor who lives on a farm that is next to praek's mansion...Maprang's character will make friends with Rita's character when Rita goes to live in praek's mansion...and Boy's character will try to find Rita. He comes to visit Maprang's brother, because they are friends and end up meeting Rita, but isn't sure if Rita is Mum Jao Jing Umarungsi, because Rita tells everyone that she is just Kru Uma, a teacher. Boy's character ends up with Maprang's character at the end. In the old version Boy's and Maprang's character are really sweet and cute together!!!
I know. She is so modest, I believe she doesn't like to be center of attention. Ahahahaha!i notice that rita usually chooses roles where she with other actor and actress...like sharing roles...it's not just her and other actor only well there are few exceptions
But what been done has been done.i know what you mean Fun4fun...whenever i look at the photos for this lakorn and such, i can't help but think "oh, what if Rome had been paired with Rita for this lakorn instead of nat"...it would be so much better if the p'ek were Rome...
lol...i saw that horseback riding training clip too...it's so funny when they go out, practicing horseback riding.
they all complain how painful it was at first :loool:
nat looks good with the mustache, makes him look older and mature with Rita.