Episode 26
Noo Nim has pnuemonia. When Noo Nim calls out for her mom, she ends up calling out for Mom Kaew. As Por and Awn are leaving the hospital, they run into Awn's OBGYN and she quickly tries to leave, but the doctor warns her not to wear high heels because it's dangerous for someone who just got pregnant. Awn tries to get out of it by saying if the doctor remembers the wrong patient because she's 2 months pregnant already.
As Kaew is watching Por and Awn through the store window, Awn asks Por if he thinks their child will be a boy or a girl, and what they should name their child. (How sad!)
Kong's vision is getting worse.
Kaew: Mom, I decided that I'm not going to work with Nu. I'm going get work to do at home so that I can take care of you and Kong.
Kaew's mom: Do you want to take care of me and Kong, or do you hate Nu?
Kaew: Mom!
Kaew's mom: Kaew, I just want you to have someone good to take care of you. If in the future, something happens to me and Kong is still like this, how will you live?
They keep arguing over the same topic. Kaew's mom is mad that Kaew won't listen to her and Kaew keeps insisting that she doesn't love Nu, until Kong yells at them to stop arguing!
Kong: I can't see anything! I can't see anything at all! P'Kaew! Mom! I'm scared, Mom!
Por: Noo Nim, don't be mad at Mom Kaew. She really can't come. It's all my fault. It's all my fault.
Noo Nim: Mom Kaew! Mom Kaew!
Kong is waiting to eat dinner with Kaew and his mom. The doctor is trying to find the cause of his blindness. Pee comes in.
Pee: Sawadee krup. Is Pa Fong here?
Kong: Why did you come here? Didn't I tell you not to come here?
Pee: Then why did you come visit me at the race tracks?
Kong: I didn't go see you.
Pee: Liar! Anna told me that you were at the race tracks. Why did you go? Kong! What's wrong? [Kong gets up] Don't go anywhere. Look at my face! I said to look at my face!
Kong: I don't want to see your face!
Pee: Fine! If you hate me enough to not want to see my face, that's fine. But you have to tell me why you went to see me at the race tracks.
[Kong tries to put down his drink]
Pee: What's wrong, Kong? Why don't you put down the drink?
Thoom: I beg you, please go home first. If Pa Fong sees you, there will be trouble. Do it for her health.
Pee: I'll go P'Thoom, but before I go, Kong, can you tell me how I look when I cut my hair to look like a skinhead?
Kong: I told you before you went to cut it that I don't like it.
Tunwa: Come on, please. Please help Por.
Peung: No...I don't want to lie to Kaew. Tell Por that I really can't help him.
Tunwa: Please.
Por: Peung, I beg you. If not for me, but for my neice. She calls out for Kaew all the time. Can you please bring Kaew to visit Noo Nim?
Peung: Kaew, my grandmother is in the hospital. Come visit her with me tomorrow.
Noo Nim: Daddy Por, when is Mom Kaew going to come visit me?
Por: When you get better, Mom Kaew will come visit you.
Noo Nim: I'm all better now.
Por: Well then Mom Kaew will come visit you today.
Noo Nim: Great! Then I can have Mom Kaew hear this. [plays the song on the teddy bear] Mom Kaew! (sadly) Aunt Awn...
Por: What are you doing here? Aren't you pregnant? Why don't you stay home?
Awn: You still remember that I'm pregnant? Then care about my feelings, instead of making me hand out the invitations by myself. I'm so embarrassed!
Por: Then give me the invitations. I'll hand them out myself.
Awn: No. I'm going to stay here. I'm going to stay with you.
Por: Come here. Awn, I'm trying to do the best I can. Don't push me even further because if I lose my patience, I don't know either what will happen!
Peung and Kaew are waiting for the elevator just as Awn is coming down in one.
Kaew: What's the rush? Who are you taking me to visit?
Peung: I don't want them to wait.
[in the room]
Kaew: Peung, what is this?
Peung: I know that you have something that you want to get out. As for Por, he brought you to visit his niece.
Kaew: Noo Nim? What's wrong with Noo Nim?
Por: Noo Nim was swimming a little too much so now she has pneumonia.
Kaew: Swimming? She was swimming so that she could come teach me?
Noo Nim: Mom Kaew! I missed you so much!
Kaew: I missed you too. [does her fake kiss] You can tease me like this, so that means that you're better right?
Noo Nim: Mom Kaew, let's go swim at Dad Por's swimming pool one day!
Por: How can we do that? The swimming pool at my house is deep, Mom Kaew might drown.
Noo Nim: Then you can save Mom Kaew. Are you guys mad at each other? My teacher says that if you are mad, then you have to hold hands so then you will love each other. Forgive each other, don't be mad at each other.
Por: Noo Nim, stay with Mom Kaew for now. I have to go do something, I'll be right back. [nooo! don't leave!]
Awn: P'pat, it's all because of you! It's all because of you!
Pipat: I get you to marry Por just like you wanted. What more do you want?
Awn: Por doesn't care about me at all. He acts as if I'm something weird.
Pipat: Just wait. He's willing to marry you anyways.
Awn: When I deliver the baby, will he suspect that the baby isn't his? If it's like that, he'll hate me even more.
Pipat: Stop being crazy! Por won't know! And our child probably won't come out blond-haried, blue-eyed. Unless, it's not my child either!
Awn: P'pat! Bastard!
Kaew: Are you sleepy? Go to sleep, Noo Nim.
Noo Nim: I don't want to sleep. I'm scared I'll wake up and won't see you.
Kaew: Go to sleep, Noo Nim. I won't go anywhere. [recording into the bear] Noo Nim, I just wanted to tell you that I love you, Noo Nim, but I probably won't be able to come see you anymore...
Awn and Pipat come storming in
Awn: P'pat you have to help me think! What if Por finds out that baby isn't his, what am I going to do? This whole problem is your doing. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be pregnant like this!
Pipat: But you have to be careful to not let Putt shoot you. Because last time with King, Putt believed me that the woman is always the one who hit on me first.
[They fight, then Awn sees Kaew!]
Awn: How did you get in here? You came to eavesdrops on us, right?
Kaew: I came to visit Noo Nim.
Awn: What did you hear? Tell me what you heard!
Kaew: I didn't hear anything. [Awn slaps her]
Awn: I don't believe you! Tell me what your heard!
They argue.
Awn: Tell me, tell me right now! I know you heard!
Kaew: I didn't hear anything!
Pipat: Awn, let go!
Awn: I'm going to kill her!
Pipat: Kaew!
[Noo Nim hears and comes running out.]
Noo Nim: Mom Kaew! What's wrong? Aunt Awn, what did you do to Mom Kaew? [OMG!!!! they threw her over the ledge!!!]
Pipat: Awn, let's get out of here!
Por: What happened here?
Nurse: The child that was in here fell over the ledge!
Awn and Pipat come in acting all innocent, asking what happened and how this could happen. The nurse comes to tell them that Kaew just woke up.
Putt: Kaew? How is she here?
Nurse: She was found unconscious in Noo Nim's room.
Putt: In my child's room?
Awn: Or maybe Kaew is the one who did this to Noo Nim.
Por: That's ridiculous! I was the one who brought Kaew to come visit Noo Nim.
Putt: (to Kaew) I didn't think that you could to this to Noo Nim! How could you do this?
Kaew: Do what? I didn't do anything to Noo Nim. Por, what happened to Noo Nim?
Por: Noo Nim fell off the balconey. She's now in a come and the doctors are trying to help her.
Putt: Don't fake it. You want to kill my child in revenge for your sister, right?
Kaew: No, I was just visiting Noo Nim and then I saw Awn and P'pat arguing coming in and I went to hid on the balcony. When Awn saw me, she came out and hurt me and I fell unconscious. I don't know anything about Noo Nim.
Pipat: What are you talking about Kaew? I just got to the hospital, so how could I have been arguing with Awn? Por, when you saw Kaew, did you see me and Awn? Don't blame things on me.
Por: But I'm sure that Kaew would not harm Noo Nim.
Awn: And did you see with your own eyes that she didn't do it, Por? P' Putt, I'm sure she purposely harmed Noo Nim. [Putt tries to hurt Kaew. Go Peung!]
Kaew: Peung, you know that I didn't do anything to Noo Nim. You know, right?
Peung: I know.
Kong is trying to be independent because he doesn't want to be a burden to anyone.
Pee comes in.
Kong: What's wrong, P'Thoom?
Thoom: Oh nothing, The neighbor's cat came in again. Shoo! Go away!
Pee: [wrote] What is he mad at me for?
Thoom: Kong, is it possible for you and Pee to come back to be the same?
Kong: Why are you asking me all of a sudden?
Thoom: I don't feel good seeing you and Pee be like this. Didn't you once tell me that you never hated Pee?
Kong: That's right, P'Thoom. I never hated Pee, but we can't be together anymore. I don't want to be selfish. Pee should be happy; he shouldn't have to come with a blind person like me.
Pee: [writing] And did he ask me?
Thoom: But I think no matter how you are, Pee is happy to be with you.
Kong: I understand. But that's why I won't let him know that I'm blind because if he knew, he wouldn't leave me. Just let me be the one who's sad. Don't let him come be sad with me.
Pee: [writing] But I want to take care of Kong.
Thoom: Kong, what if Pee said that he wants to take care of you?
Kong: Let's stop talking about this. There's no point. Pee and I will never be the same. Let's go inside. [he falls] Thank you, P'Thoom. You're not P'Thoom. Pee, is that you? Is that Pee, P'Thoom? Pee, why did you come here? Didn't I tell you not to come here anymore? Go back!
Thoom: Calm down, Kong. That's not Pee, it's the person who collects money for the water.
Kong: Really? You're not lying, right?
Thoom: Yes. Pee wouldn't came here anymore.
Kong: Sorry for misunderstanding you. Did he leave?
Thoom: Yes, he's gone.
Kong: I'm so bad. [chuckles] Just talking to myself like this. (wow, that was pretty heart-breaking)
Por: Kaew, you're sure that P'pat and Awn were in the room too?
Kaew: Of course I'm sure! I heard Awn and P'pat's voices arguing, they came in, and I didn't know what to do so I went out to the balcony. When Awn saw me, she harrassed me and asked whether I heard anything.
Peung: Did you hear anything?
Kaew: No, I didn't, but I'm sure it was something really important or else she wouldn't have harrassed me so much.
Peung: Yeah, it must be really important to harrass you until you fell unconscious. Por, things sound too suspcious.
Por: I have to found out what it is.
Putt: Por, if something happens to my child, what am I supposed to do? I was able to endure through jail for 6 years because I thought I would be able to be with my child.
Por: P'Putt, Noo Nim will be okay. Go home and rest first.
Putt: But I want to stay with my child.
Por: Go home and rest. Today, I'll watch over her and tomorrow you can come watch over her.
Putt: I'll go hurry and change and come back.
And yes, I think someone guess right at it would be Noo Nim's recording doll that holds the answer to everything!