Purity test


Wanna-Be เจ้าชู้
Damn Marduk... what the hell? What drugs are you doing?

ijohn? What the hell are you doing with your alcohol... sleeping at the bar for sure huh? 555

Kymmy... did you not inhale enough?

Corrupt peeps!

As for those with low scores... props to you guys! I'm so ashammed I'm higher than Kymmy... I want -11. Props to Nong PAC!! Keep it low... no wonder you got negative number... you actually thought a bad trip was like a vacation with mom and dad. That's AWESOME!

Stay away from boys with 22 and higher... emphasis on 22 more than those higher. 5555


sarNie Hatchling
Damn Marduk... what the hell? What drugs are you doing?

ijohn? What the hell are you doing with your alcohol... sleeping at the bar for sure huh? 555

Kymmy... did you not inhale enough?

Corrupt peeps!

As for those with low scores... props to you guys! I'm so ashammed I'm higher than Kymmy... I want -11. Props to Nong PAC!! Keep it low... no wonder you got negative number... you actually thought a bad trip was like a vacation with mom and dad. That's AWESOME!

Stay away from boys with 22 and higher... emphasis on 22 more than those higher. 5555

that's right dyno i didn't enhale enough because i don't do drugs like you do...haha! and you should be ashamed of yourself dyno because you're more perverted than i am...LMAO!


cappy we were meant to be!!! :D lol well yeah my scores are a bit high, but um how the hell did they know i don't have a real life hahah.

Your score is 37 point(s).

Statistics :
Positive answers percentage : 24 %
Positive answers about Drinks : 35 %
Positive answers about Drugs : 8 %
Positive answers about Sex : 19 %

Try to get a real life !


sarNie Egg
:eek: i just found out what " bad trip means"..>.< its a "DRUG"..oopsii i answered yes but i dont do drugs...haha yesyes P'dyno stay away from boys with scores higher than 22..especially marduk!!!!! his gonna top himself


Staff member
omg wth!! some of you people must be bad!! to score something above negative on this T___T LOL it makes me wonder what kinda things you guys be doing lol oh man .. these questions were so o__O lol

Your score is -13 point(s).

Statistics :
Positive answers percentage : 5 %
Positive answers about Drinks : 0 %
Positive answers about Drugs : 0 %
Positive answers about Sex : 3 %

A life with the church is too corrupt for you !...
(Your score is 'subzero' : It means that you are a very pure person (or you are too young)
:blink: WOW... I think it have only ppl who belong to this forum who get minus score...

Pac Pac and Tina u two are too pure :wacko: hope that this test don't give u ideas and u won't be corrupt later by others.... :unsure: especially miss Pac Pac...hope ur forgot ur curiosity about some questions...

i was about to delete the link after see what sort of questions it was ..but it seems like ppl have fun to do it ... ^_^ and no one are really shock by that.... :unsure:

but seriously asian ppl results is nothing compare to European ppl...


Staff member
LOL Lilly =p hahah LOL man I thought a Bad Trip Was Vacation too ^____O LOl oh man this test asks some extreme questions .. LOL Nong Pac Should NOT have even opened it LOL
LOL Lilly =p hahah LOL man I thought a Bad Trip Was Vacation too ^____O LOl oh man this test asks some extreme questions .. LOL Nong Pac Should NOT have even opened it LOL
if u think that it can offense some ppl or corrupt some mind just delete the thread Tina.. ^_^

and about the bad trip... to be short..it mean that u test out the drug 'til die.. but maybe american ppl don't use the same expression to say it? :unsure:


Staff member
LOL Lilly =p hahah ain't saying anything but like wow haha the questions were crazy LOL i was like umm wah hahah I think i only answered yes to like 3 things lmfao!!


Sarnie Clown!
if u think that it can offense some ppl or corrupt some mind just delete the thread Tina.. ^_^

and about the bad trip... to be short..it mean that u test out the drug 'til die.. but maybe american ppl don't use the same expression to say it? :unsure:
It doesn't mean till you die. It just feels like that. I guess I'll give the story behind why I said yes to the bad trip question. So I was in Cambodia and I ordered a large "special" pizza from this place called "Happy Herbs" pizza. I was fine for an hour, but then at the club, I got woozy. My friend got me a ride home and I went to my bed. At that point, I felt like the freaking ceiling was trying to collapse on me. And the room kept spinning over and over. There's also a lot more weird feelings that came with this. I kept feeling like I was drowning. Anyway, I felt this way even after I woke up at 1PM the next day and it went away around 4PM. I layed in my bed the whole time.

So yah, that was a pretty "bad trip." I've heard some of my friends had even weirder experience with stuff like shrooms or e.
It doesn't mean till you die. It just feels like that. I guess I'll give the story behind why I said yes to the bad trip question. So I was in Cambodia and I ordered a large "special" pizza from this place called "Happy Herbs" pizza. I was fine for an hour, but then at the club, I got woozy. My friend got me a ride home and I went to my bed. At that point, I felt like the freaking ceiling was trying to collapse on me. And the room kept spinning over and over. There's also a lot more weird feelings that came with this. I kept feeling like I was drowning. Anyway, I felt this way even after I woke up at 1PM the next day and it went away around 4PM. I layed in my bed the whole time.

So yah, that was a pretty "bad trip." I've heard some of my friends had even weirder experience with stuff like shrooms or e.
Marduk.. for french ppl " faire un mauvais trip" always mean that u test it out 'til die... jusqu'à l'overdose ou encore frôler la mort...and doesn't refer to the sensation u get by trying it!!..but well i see it's not only tina and pac pac who get the wrong meaning of that...


Sarnie Clown!
Marduk.. for french ppl " faire un mauvais trip" always mean that u test it out 'til die... jusqu'à l'overdose ou encore frôler la mort...and doesn't refer to the sensation u get by trying it!!..but well i see it's not only tina and pac pac who get the wrong meaning of that...
But Lili deary, why would they have that question on the test? Cause obviously if you had a bad trip and you died...that means that you're not alive anymore. So why would their be a choice of yes or no? Cause if you can answer yes, then obviously you must be dead. Here in AMERICA, we use the term drug overdose for times when people die because of drugs and we use "bad trip" for when you had a really bad experience with drugs. But I know in Europe they're cooler than us, so they have different meanings.



sarNie Elites
NonONon lilli ... Marduk you're right. For french it exactly the same meaning as you. When you smok there can be 2 side, the good one : when you're happy, love tha whole world or see pink elephants!!! :wacko:
And the bad side : you're sad,you're depressed, turning crazy, want to hit ppl. <<--- This suck!! <_<

Your score is 43 point(s).

Statistics :
Positive answers percentage : 20 %
Positive answers about Drinks : 25 %
Positive answers about Drugs : 16 %
Positive answers about Sex : 17 %

Vous êtes presque normal(e), mais vous avez du mal à vous lâcher...
But Lili deary, why would they have that question on the test? Cause obviously if you had a bad trip and you died...that means that you're not alive anymore. So why would their be a choice of yes or no? Cause if you can answer yes, then obviously you must be dead. Here in AMERICA, we use the term drug overdose for times when people die because of drugs and we use "bad trip" for when you had a really bad experience with drugs. But I know in Europe they're cooler than us, so they have different meanings.


NonONon lilli ... Marduk you're right. For french it exactly the same meaning as you. When you smok there can be 2 side, the good one : when you're happy, love tha whole world or see pink elephants!!! :wacko:
And the bad side : you're sad,you're depressed, turning crazy, want to hit ppl. <<--- This suck!! <_<

Your score is 43 point(s).

Statistics :
Positive answers percentage : 20 %
Positive answers about Drinks : 25 %
Positive answers about Drugs : 16 %
Positive answers about Sex : 17 %

Vous êtes presque normal(e), mais vous avez du mal à vous lâcher...
je pensais exactement la même chose au début..mais pour être honnête les étudiants de l'IUT ont été formels..par "mauvais trip" ils entendent le fait que tu es sur le point de passer de vie à trépas....mais bon j'pense que ça dépend des domaine étant donné qu'en droit ils ont une tout autre définition..et puis il faut suivre la logique des questions...mais ça c'est un autre truc à voir...

N.B: la logique voudrait que "bad trip" signifie ceci ( surtout pour la branche médecine):
Mauvais délire. Il peut être relativement léger et transitoire mais peut aussi devenir un réel cauchemar (crise de panique, psychose).
La plupart du temps quand la chimie s'estompe, l'angoisse se dissipe, mais parfois il peut déclencher un traumatisme durable (phobies, état confusionnel, bouffées délirantes...).
Un bad trip ne se produit pas par hasard. Le dosage du produit peut être en cause mais pas seulement. Certaines révélations, certaines prises de conscience favorisés par la prise de psychédélique peuvent faire gravement "péter les plombs" si elles arrivent à un mauvais moment. Des remises en questions peuvent s'avérer au-delà du supportable (il est plus difficile d'encaisser en une nuit ce qui se passe habituellement sur une longue durée et par étapes).
Les bad trips sont plus fréquents lorsqu'on se retrouve seul, ou lorsque l'on prend peur devant une montée trop forte.
Les substances psychédéliques amplifient les sentiments, qu'ils soient bon ou mauvais. (Psychédélique vient du grec psuké = esprit et délo = révéler).

Mais pour un étudiant d'IUT il faut multiplier la signification par 10 :D ... je ne disais pas que c'était tort de penser ainsi..mais ce test a été élaboré par un groupe des IUT...et donc forcément il faut pouvoir les suivre...c'est comme les soirées étudiantes..d'une branche à l'autre c'est pas la même ambiance...


here is the meaning of bad trip here in america:

A psychedelic crisis (known colloquially as a bad trip) is a disturbing or frightening experience associated with use of a hallucinogenic drug such as LSD, salvinorin A, mescaline, or psilocybin. The term is also used to describe people who have had panic attacks while using marijuana. Such effects are not seen as threatening or negative for some in the therapeutic community, and may have the potential to be highly beneficial to the user when properly resolved. They have been attributed to the inexperience or irresponsibility of the user, lack of proper preparation and environment for the trip, or unresolved psychological tensions triggered during the course of the experience.[1]

It is suggested that, at a minimum, such crises be managed by preventing the individual from harming oneself or others by whatever means necessary up to and including physical restraint, providing him or her with a safe and comfortable space, and supervising him or her until all effects of the drug have completely worn off.


Sarnie Clown!
je pensais exactement la même chose au début..mais pour être honnête les étudiants de l'IUT ont été formels..par "mauvais trip" ils entendent le fait que tu es sur le point de passer de vie à trépas....mais bon j'pense que ça dépend des domaine étant donné qu'en droit ils ont une tout autre définition..et puis il faut suivre la logique des questions...mais ça c'est un autre truc à voir...

N.B: la logique voudrait que "bad trip" signifie ceci ( surtout pour la branche médecine):
Mauvais délire. Il peut être relativement léger et transitoire mais peut aussi devenir un réel cauchemar (crise de panique, psychose).
La plupart du temps quand la chimie s'estompe, l'angoisse se dissipe, mais parfois il peut déclencher un traumatisme durable (phobies, état confusionnel, bouffées délirantes...).
Un bad trip ne se produit pas par hasard. Le dosage du produit peut être en cause mais pas seulement. Certaines révélations, certaines prises de conscience favorisés par la prise de psychédélique peuvent faire gravement "péter les plombs" si elles arrivent à un mauvais moment. Des remises en questions peuvent s'avérer au-delà du supportable (il est plus difficile d'encaisser en une nuit ce qui se passe habituellement sur une longue durée et par étapes).
Les bad trips sont plus fréquents lorsqu'on se retrouve seul, ou lorsque l'on prend peur devant une montée trop forte.
Les substances psychédéliques amplifient les sentiments, qu'ils soient bon ou mauvais. (Psychédélique vient du grec psuké = esprit et délo = révéler).

Mais pour un étudiant d'IUT il faut multiplier la signification par 10 :D ... je ne disais pas que c'était tort de penser ainsi..mais ce test a été élaboré par un groupe des IUT...et donc forcément il faut pouvoir les suivre...c'est comme les soirées étudiantes..d'une branche à l'autre c'est pas la même ambiance...
Just admit it.

Je veux entendre que vous me dire "Marduk, tu as raison et j'ai tort." Alors, pour les "enfants" de IUT, ils exagerent probablement tout. Sur une autre note, je souhaite que j'aie eu un bad trip aujourd'hui. Au moins alors je ne devrais pas voir que SW devient occupe par les "frenchies."



sarNie Egg
:huh: This test is confusing!!!! >.< most of the words i dont even understand but clicked yes anyways
Just admit it.

Je veux entendre que vous me dire "Marduk, tu as raison et j'ai tort." Alors, pour les "enfants" de IUT, ils exagerent probablement tout. Sur une autre note, je souhaite que j'aie eu un bad trip aujourd'hui. Au moins alors je ne devrais pas voir que SW devient occupe par les "frenchies."

What is wrong with "Frenchy"?...

And what do i have to admit?...admit that i get wrong by what i say?...but if i do that it's like i don't respect ppl who make that test...et en toute honnêteté c'est la dernière chose que je désirerais...car non seulement je me suis permise de diffuser un lien qui n'est accessible que par leurs membres mais en plus je serais sur le point de dire que les étudiants des IUT sont des "crétins et des ignares"? qu'ils ne savent plus utiliser la langue française? désolé j'ne peux pas ... car par rapport à la démagogie je leur "tire mon chapeau" pour ce test amusant et divertissant....et pour ta gouverne sache que c'est en répondant non à cette question que j'ai eu faux alors que la réponse aurait dû être oui en ce qui me concerne.....
Par ailleurs, je ne saisis pas très bien le sens de tes 2 dernières phrases..mais bon j'pense que tu fais une allergie à la frenchy que je suis!
Désolé si j'te tapes sur les nerfs!! A bon entendeur salut!!!

And really sorry for all who don't understand french and read this thread but sometimes it's more easy for me to say what i think in this language than in english...