1-lUv3-y0u Sticky Rice Aug 27, 2006 #141 I'm sleeping at 1:00 a.m =] What time you usually wake up on weekends?
N Nissan_Se_R_Guy Aug 27, 2006 #145 doesn't matter to me its all about the feeling, but she has to be legal or else I won't date her or look at her which you prefer dating or long term relationship
doesn't matter to me its all about the feeling, but she has to be legal or else I won't date her or look at her which you prefer dating or long term relationship
1-lUv3-y0u Sticky Rice Aug 27, 2006 #148 like maybe only 4 2 boys 2 girls >.< If you had to choose between the one you love...or the one who loves you who would you choose?
like maybe only 4 2 boys 2 girls >.< If you had to choose between the one you love...or the one who loves you who would you choose?
N Nissan_Se_R_Guy Aug 27, 2006 #149 I choose the one who I love would you rather want it to snow or sleet
N Nissan_Se_R_Guy Aug 27, 2006 #150 if I have tools right now I would be fixing cars what kind of music do you listen to when you get bored
if I have tools right now I would be fixing cars what kind of music do you listen to when you get bored
N Nissan_Se_R_Guy Aug 27, 2006 #151 a song call This I swear because I promise everything of myself that I love her very much and also not afraid to say this but she's worth of dying for. what is your favorite action movies and why.
a song call This I swear because I promise everything of myself that I love her very much and also not afraid to say this but she's worth of dying for. what is your favorite action movies and why.
N Nissan_Se_R_Guy Aug 27, 2006 #154 yes I have one ange that sent from above and thats my baby Samantha do you believe in heaven?
N Nissan_Se_R_Guy Aug 27, 2006 #155 a man has to be responsible as for myself yes I want to be in charge but yet I still treat everyone fairly equal. would you responsible taking good care of the child, when your husband is at work?
a man has to be responsible as for myself yes I want to be in charge but yet I still treat everyone fairly equal. would you responsible taking good care of the child, when your husband is at work?
N Nissan_Se_R_Guy Aug 27, 2006 #156 hmmm....one word "nope" what do you think of next month of September?
N Nissan_Se_R_Guy Aug 28, 2006 #157 yes because its our special day together do you believe in godzilla?
Thookatha sarNie Elites Aug 28, 2006 #160 posting a thread in response to my lova, samantha, because i am stalking her (on accident but with pleasure btw). LOL will you buy me a 5 karat diamond ring??
posting a thread in response to my lova, samantha, because i am stalking her (on accident but with pleasure btw). LOL will you buy me a 5 karat diamond ring??