Question game


sarNie Elites
and anything you want, babe! let me go sell myself first. lmao

will u give me six lucky numbers starting from 1-50? hahaha


sarNie Elites
OMG why wouldn't i go to my own wedding?! lmao lmao

will you be sure to invite me to your wedding??? :D hehehe

(p.s. thanks for the lucky numbers! me go buy lottery now!) :lol:


sarNie Elites
hehe packed my things, getting ready to move to cali, and to go to your wedding!!! lol

when is your wedding?? :w000t:


work hard for it I don't like taking hand outs, if you let it come to you don't you feel free loading off someone? Or better yet do you feel happy about it? As for me I want to earn it, even it kills me

do you feel good taking hand outs?


my life, I can't let it fall back down, once I accomplish and finishing my Technical school, on with open a new garage with the fellas and say goodbye to school

have you ever thought about giving up?


I think of them as trust worth

when you die are you afraid of fate?


sarNie Elites
get samantha checked out at the hospital because of those headaches, then buy one of those DDR the real ones you see in an arcade. LOL

OH, and get a ping pong table too! me lovvve ping pong! hehehe


Sticky Rice
Thookie became forgetful like sam's lover and forget to ask a question...haha I'll go ;)

How many hours you spend on sworld per day???


sarNie Elites
if i accumulated the total time at the end of the day, every other day, probably about 2-3 hours...but i make the most of it. lol

who did you vote for on sarnie idol II?? :lol:


Sticky Rice
Ooooh I'm gonna keep that a secret but I voted for one of the girls I'll tell you much hehehe

Do you think you have a nice voice??


sarNie Elites
what kind of a crazy question is that?? of course i do!

do "you" miss her? haha


sarNie Elites
"do 'you' miss her?"...dangit, i was perserving that question fo yo lovaaa! lol and yes, me can swim. me like to be wet! LMAO LMAO omg me can't believe me said that!!!

do "you" miss "her" more than anything in the world?? lool


Thookatha said:
"do 'you' miss her?"...dangit, i was perserving that question fo yo lovaaa! lol and yes, me can swim. me like to be wet! LMAO LMAO omg me can't believe me said that!!!

do "you" miss "her" more than anything in the world?? lool

do I miss her? Yes I miss her dearly, I miss my love. More than anything in the world? She is my world, she's always in my heart, I do whatever it takes to protect her from getting hurt, I love her so much, there's a time were I just wanna protect her and not thinking about love, maybe I'm to worried about her, but definently I don't want her to get hurt or being taken advantage, she deserve everything. If its one in a million, I would choose her instead of the car, the car is just my passion, but my baby is my first real true love. I believe in her, I believe in our love, no matter what I will always be there to catch her in my arm, my heart, my warmth and my love.

NOW! For your question who do you miss more? Your tv, your friends or your someone special? "edit I'll add the more anything in the world too" Explain fully


Sticky Rice
I miss my family more than anything else because if they were not here anymore I wouldn't know what to do I'd be a bum in the street perhaps...Even though our family may not get well that much but they are still family you've only got one life to live and I'm gonna live mine to the fullest with the people I love and cherish them because you never know when they might leave.....My family is always No.1 for me cus I know they will alway be there and support me no matter what so I'll do anything for my family cus I know they would do anything for me least I think they will :lmao:

My turn!! Did you read everything I wrote?


wow Tao very very nice fully explain and yes Tao I read it, it touch my heart, no matter what like you said the family will always be there, from good to bad, with my baby she's also my family I support her and my family and her family too, whatever importants then you do that first.

hmmm my question is, is your stomach growling?


Sticky Rice
haha don't worry it's not!!! :D at least...not yet.... =) play an instrument?? (or want to know how to??) and which one??


I want to know how play Piano cause its sounds nice and soothing =).

which car model would you prefer "racing type" or "Luxary type"