I agree with you Jackie.ok here is my two cents. i hate to say this so don't get mad people, but.. why if you guys hate this lakorn so much why do you cont to watch it then come into this thread to put it down and compare to this lakorn or that lakorn. seriously guys you complain that this is a typical lakorn with the same storyline the same characters, well what thai lakorn aren't similar. all thai lakorns have basically the same plots but it's just the way the story is told that makes them different. then you say stefan is annoying and a brat and he get's on your nerves, well that is exactly his character in this lakorn so that means you are buying into his acting. as for kob's character of why she needs to put up with stefan, well that's why you need to watch to find out the answers cause right now they are not saying. maybe kob's character was in love with stefan why else would she leave that noi guy to marry stefan's dad. as for the bad characters being the same, gold diggers and slutty ok how else is the bad characters suppose to be. if the bad people acted all good and righteous then they wouldn't be bad they'd be the na'eng. everyone is entitled to enjoy what they like, why does it matter or why do people need to give other people a reason as to why they like this lakorn. i like it because i do . if you don't that's fine too but is it necessary to come in here and bash it and try to make other lakorns look better. does a lakorn have to be exactly perfect as you imagine it for you to enjoy it. if so i hate to tell you but that will never happen. even really good lakorns are not prefect. all lakorns have flaws, just watch it for what it is and enjoy it. if not then tune into something else that is why there are multiple lakorns on at one time so that you the veiwers can choose what they want to watch.
hm .. are you talking about me? <_<
The theme song is actually pretty nice if peoples really understand and listen to the meaning/lyric of the song. I guess the song is aiming at a mature viewers, because those type of song is from the time Thai music still innocentditto Jackie....wow I didn't know there's eps 6 already....gotta get on youtube now hopefully NTSHUAB posted it up.
Am I the only one who like the theme song.....lol
Yep he is definitely getting soft toward her and the little boy.ok now back to this lakorn i thought ep 6 was awesome. ai definetly starting to fall for lai. making that plan to take her to the beach and it was cute how he was concern for her safety cause she took the cab by herself to get to him. i wonder though why she didn't just take her car. ai is starting be a little more caring towards look ord. i think his fatherly side is kicking in.
i know what you mean...some are just a lil sensetive when it comes to their fav who ever.........but im one of those who arent watching this lakorn for the right reasons...............it kob that keeps me tuning inhm. . i suppose some ppl skip my post b/c i will say it over and over again. i'm watching it here and there b/c of KOB .. i complain b/c i want to complain .. i will say it over and over again, his acting suck .. again, i did not drag in um to compare with sunti but ppl did here in this thread plus ppl compare this lakorn to jrl in the jlr thread .. anyway, i'm here for pure entertainment of lakorns, criticizing is a thing that i do , so if ppl don't' like it. skip my post however i love reading almost everyone's post or so the one that catches my attention so if i quote you or so and so, don't' be upset just b/c i finger point at the comments na kha.![]()
same here, i'm tuning in b/c of KOB, i'm a fan of her, i have not complain about her character except the waiting part for sorry butti know what you mean...some are just a lil sensetive when it comes to their fav who ever.........but im one of those who arent watching this lakorn for the right reasons...............it kob that keeps me tuning in
for those who dont like my opinion.......too bad![]()
they did the deed in episode 3 .. she's pregnant already .. i should come up with a baby name for this tooHow Is She PregnAnt? THey Didn't do Nothin MUch BUt Jux tat STenfsa TRy To RApE hEr n Now Both THey Never Like Do It..lOl..Im JUx sayin.....