i like the drooling club :drool:
DARLING!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! YOU ROCK MY LIL ONE! :wub:my 3rd PS artwork
all of them are so nice....but that last one got me thinking about there wedding day....ahhhhh.....hot hot hot
aww thank darlings i love that one too haahahaha OF COURSE BAM it on the list hehehee^wouldn't that be hot .. on their wedding day. we'll freeze the GLOBE and make the JLR sisters unfreeze and watch the whole I DO CEREMONY .. :wub: .. *thinking of scene from LEGEND OF THE FOUR GODS when the snake guardian found the JOOSHIN king* the JLR BUBBLE LOVE/PROTECTION for ateam !!! we are THE GUARDIANS OF JLR :loool: <-- std. add that to your list pls ..