yes, this one have revenge,slap/kiss,r'scene,baby ..did i mention the p'k and n'k marry and live together
aon would be nice. hes so overshadowed. i mean he was popular from "sapai jao" but after that, he has disappear or just been given sucky roles. hes a fav. of broadcast but they dont give in good roles or more opportunity to shine especially now that they have mart/romepor uey porrrr my goodness if no fon then no por either lol da last lakorn i saw of him was w/ vicky and ploy. dat one was HILARIOUSSSS but man he really does have too many comin up. i wanna see aon more. for any lakorn i don't care i like him![]()
aon just needs an "it" role. look how long it took aum to be famous. after JLR, he became a hot comodity. theres no doubt that aon could act better than mart/rome especially mart lol. hes cute n all but gosh, his acting is so akward. atleast with rome, he could show emotion. those 2 are hot at the moment though so cant blame broadcast. just give aon better roles!!..he deserves to be known. yeh, i like his voice. his songs are really nice from plik din klin daoTINAH i agree with you on that. to be honest. P'AON HAVE BETTER ACTING SKILLS than MART/ROME .. wish they give him more opportunities .. I LOVE HIM IN SAPAI JAO .. so funny .. PLUS HE MAKE ME CRY SO MUCH IN PREUKA SAWAD .. those aching tears blown me away .. PLUS HE CAN SING TOO :wub: