Do anyone have a picture of Chaiya?don't like chaiya, he looks so feminine!!!more than his co partner :loool:
Chaiya Mitchai is that who you guys are talking about? too lazy to read but that is his picture
yeah. that's him ..i dont noe but ish he the guy who play in the movie where.
she looks lyke a horse.but she could turn to her preety side..and he's a prince...i love that movie..
i cry every tyme i watch it.i love that...
so ish that hem.????
haha very true about the looks...glad im not the only who feels that way about patbut with willy and mew, num and kob, they dont' have those annoying looks to them like the new generation now .. i remember, i didn't get bore of MEW/WILLy nor kob/Num back then .. but these days, i'm so fed up with seeing pat/por. TOO MUCH is TOO MUCH !!!
any confirmation news yet?
yeah. that's him ..
it's either
aum & donut
Aff & chai hahahha
aff & chakrit
aum & aff